Chapter 12: The Reception

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'Ugh! Why do we have to go to this reception that I don't even want to?' Arthur said as he was brushing his mouth against Diana's neck. She smiled before she was turning to look at her surroundings. They were in the garden now as the reception took place to celebrate their union today.

'Why? Do you have something else in mind?' Diana asked before she was brushing her hands on his arms. Arthur growled.

'Yes, with you underneath me, writhing for me to release you—'

"Nice reception. And congratulations on your wedding. Not that you would need it," Damien said before he saluted the champagne to them. Diana was repaying the gesture before Arthur's hand slid around her waist, marking his territory.

"And when will we get to attend your wedding, Dam? It's been a while since you got any interest going on," Arthur said before Damien laughed.

"Well, you know me. I've been busy with my touring guide business and it is booming right now. Who knows what will hold tomorrow, right?" he said before he was waving at someone that he knew and went to greet them. Arthur sighed before Diana smiled.

"You don't think that Damien will be settling down, do you?" she asked him before the Gamma shook his head.

"Not in the least,"

"Come on, give him some credit. Damien might be looking like a slacker but if anything, he was the fourth-strongest among you. You might need him later on if anything happened to the pack," Diana said before Arthur snuggled against her neck, breathing in her scent.

"Why are you so damn nice?" he mumbled before Diana chuckled lowly.

"So that my husband will not be making such a mistake in anything else?" Diana jested before Arthur chuckled.

"You're a tease,"

"And you love me despite everything," she said before the music was playing loud and Arthur was wincing. The super-sensitive hearing must be hurting him right now.

"Where's Zack? I would like to introduce myself to him officially," Diana said before Arthur was looking around the room. She saw that Zack was earlier in the wedding ceremony but he was nowhere to be found in the reception.

"Perhaps he was tired and he would go home by now. He was an early sleeper,"

"Pity, I would love to see if anyone was interested in him," Diana said before someone was choking behind them. She turned and she was looking at her best friend who was cursing as the wine was staining her bridesmaid's dress.

"Fuck!" she cursed before Diana was moving away from Arthur and helped Sam to get the wine off her dress.

"Thank you," she said before she was smiling at Diana. She smiled back.

"You're welcome. How come you're so clumsy?" she asked before her best friend was shaking her head.

"Perhaps I have too many drinks," she said before Sebastian was beside her instantly. Her brother was scowling at her.

"For fuck sake, Sam. Can you be more responsible?" the Ultima said before he was dragging Sam away even when the latter was complaining that she did not enjoy the reception to the fullest yet.

"Oh, come on! I want to stay," she whined before Sebastian cut her a look. Sam winced.

"That is enough and we are going home now. My work here is done," the reclusive Ultima said before the siblings were making their way to exit the reception as the others were looking at their retreating figure.

"Well, that's done," Damien said before the music continued to blare and Diana was looking at her best friend.

Perhaps there was something amiss about her lately but Diana was missing what it was.

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