Chapter 10: The Training

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The next day, Diana was stunned to see that Sam did not keep her mouth shut however when her front yard was full of excited females that were chatting about as she appeared from the entrance.

"So..." Diana said as she was pinching her nose bridge, "you're telling me that you will not have a word about it and suddenly, all these females were training with us?" she asked before Sam was shrugging at her.

Seriously, I will skin this woman, sacred Ultima or not, Diana mused before the females were chatting over and the laughter was filling the air. Some of them were too young to be trained but of course, everyone was welcomed to train if they wanted to.


And now, her mate was here.

"Shit," Sam mumbled under her breaths before Diana sighed. So much for training in secret, she mused as she was looking at the angry-looking Gamma that was coming their way. Some of the warriors were looking at the females before some of them were walking toward their family members.

Oh how I wanted the ground to eat me right now, Diana wished before she was smiling as Arthur was standing in front of her and she was smiling charmingly at her mate.

"Arthur! I did not know that you will be coming home early. How's the training?" she asked before Arthur was narrowing his eyes at her. She gulped.

"How's the training? How about you explain that you stole my female warriors and why they were doing in front of our front yard?" he said before his green eyes snapped to my left side. Sam was staring at him.

"Well, we were going to train, with Diana," Sam replied before Diana could say anything. Arthur arched his eyebrow.

"And why is that?" the Gamma asked before the Ultima's sister was smirking at him.

"We all heard that Diana beat you in a fight. So, we don't want to be trained by a loser that loses to a female warrior," Sam before Diana stepped in Arthur was flaring his nostrils.

"I did not mean it like that. I was just wanting to help Sam out but apparently, she," Diana glared at Sam before continued, "told everyone about it and I don't know if I wanted to train them anymore. There was so much to be done before the wedding and I cannot have more of this on my plate,"

She was pouting at her mate before the Gamma was looking at the female warriors. They were listening to the talk before he barked at them.

"Get to the training ground, now!"

Everyone was scrambling out of the front yard except for Sam because she was not afraid of Arthur. She was too proud to be succumbing to his comment. Arthur was looking murderously at her right now.

"I said," he said with gritted teeth, "get back to the training ground if you want to train,"

"No, I will not be going to train like any other warrior. If Diana is not going to teach me, then I am out as well as the others," Sam said before some of the warriors were bellowing at her statement.

'This has become a problem now,' Arthur said through their bond before she apologized to him.

'Show me tonight that you are sincere,' Arthur said before Diana was rolling her eyes at him. Males, always taking advantage of the situation.

'Only with you, my love,'

"Fine, if you want to train with Diana," Arthur said as his green eyes were staring into her grey orbs, "then, she had to be the instructor at the training ground, not our front yard," Arthur said with finale before Diana's stomach churned.

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