this is home- hendery

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this is home- cavetown


its 1 am and hendery had to film his relay cam, but I needed to get sleep. I walked into his room and he was at his computer. i made my way over and wrapped my arms around the back of his desk chair, resting on his shoulders. his camera was set up on his desk, "do you wanna say hi?" he smiled.

I waved to the camera, "what are you doing?" I questioned walking around and sitting on the edge of his bed.

"started a game with Lucas and winwin." hendery answered.

I nodded and laid back on hendery's bed, "are you tired?" hendery questioned.

"I want to stay up with you." I answered.

hendery turned to face me, "are you sure? i can turn my volume down and plug my headphones in." hendery replied.

"you don't have to, but if i do end up falling asleep then I guess I fall asleep." I shrugged pulling out my phone from my hoodie pocket.

"I promise i wont be that loud." hendery replied.

I hummed in response and grabbed one of my headphones, and set it in my ear so then I was still able to hear hendery. I opened youtube and watched videos.

lucas walked in and he came over- knowing my legs were under the blankets- and sat on my legs. "excuse me, wong yuhkei, you're sitting on my legs." I told him.

"oh I guess I didnt see them there." lucas replied.

"lucas" I whined trying to move my legs out from under him.

Lucas laughed at my struggle, "what will you do for me?" he asked.

"we dont live with mom anymore, that's not fair." I argued at my brothers attempt to get out of something, "hendery, please help."

hendery laugh as well, "you two are a pain, I swear to god." I groaned, giving up.

that's when lucas finally got up and walked out, "what was the point!" I yelled once lucas lefy.


about ten minutes, after lucas left, and yn went back to watching videos; yn was asleep. time went back pretty quickly and I had 2 minutes left of my relay cam. when the clock hit 2 am, I said bye to the camera and shut it off.

I then got ready for bed and shut the top light off, and used my phone light to find my way to my bed. i grabbed yns phone and plugged it into the charger. then I shut my flashlight off and plugged my phone in. crawling into bed, I made sure that yn had blankets, or enough blankets to be able to stay warm.

i felt her curl into my side and let out a sigh. i closed my eyes as they began to feel heavy, and I was out.


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