Chapter 10: Netflix & Cuddles

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Since we are all so tired from all the stuff we did today, I am feeling extra tired because of jet lag. Lucas invites me to sit next to me on the couch and we start watching one of my all-time favorite K-dramas; True Beauty, starring Cha Eunwoo and Hwang In-Yeop, who are my favorite Korean celebrities. I hope that Lucas doesn't mind me thirsting over Eunwoo for a bit while we watch this drama. I hope he just laughs at me being in love with Eunwoo.

As we're watching the first episode, I am bawling my eyes out because it's so sad. Lucas pulls me closer to his body and kisses the top of my head.
"Baby, are you okay?" Lucas asked.
"I'm fine, I can just relate to her. Trying to change myself for the sake of feeling pretty." I said.
"You are pretty, no matter what." Lucas said.
"Aww, thank you, um Lucas?" I asked.
"Yeah?" Lucas asked.
"Have I told you yet? That, 我爱你。" I said, telling him 'I love you' in Cantonese.
"You learned, I'm proud. 我也爱你." Lucas said(I love you too)
"영원히 함께 했으면 좋겠어요." I said(I hope we're together forever)
"나도." Lucas said(Me too)
I couldn't be more in love with Lucas if I tried. While we're watching True Beauty, he gets close to me, and whispers something I have never heard him say before,
"당신이 내 아내가 되길 바랍니다."(I hope you become my wife)
"뭐?" I asked(What)
"Please be my wife." Lucas said.
"You--- are you serious?" I asked.
"I'm 100% serious. I want to marry you soon." Lucas said.
"Oh. . ." I said.
"Do you want to?" Lucas asked.
"I still need to finish college. Maybe when I graduate." I said.
"Okay, okay." Lucas said.

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Meanwhile. . . With YangYang and Julie. They are hanging out in the dorms together. YangYang is telling Julie all the things he loves about her. They mostly speak German and English together. YangYang also teaches Julie some Cantonese in case she needs to know it at some point. He also is happily teaching her Korean since they're here and Julie might need to know some phrases so they can get around much easier. Then, they fall asleep after talking much past midnight. Julie didn't know she could love someone the way she loves YangYang. She believes that he is her true soulmate, or better yet, Seoul mate.

Hendery and Kimiko are hanging out together. At the moment, Hendery is studying Japanese while Kimiko teaches him. It is the cutest, late-night study session. While they are studying, Hendery sneaks a kiss during their 5 minute break.
"Hey~ no flirting with the tutor, remember." Kimiko said, teasing Hendery.
"I can't help it." Hendery said.
"It's okay, baby." Kimiko said, booping his nose.
"Aww, you're too cute." Hendery said.
They continue studying after their break is over. Hendery writes down notes as if he's in school all over again. Kimiko is proud of how far he is able to come after only a few lessons from her.

When all the members finish doing what they please with their girlfriends, they finally go to bed. It was such an eventful day, and now everyone is getting the rest they deserve. That next morning, everyone gathers for breakfast, then unfortunately, WayV have to continue their schedule as usual. They suggested to the girls that we have a girls day out while they are busying themselves with their schedule. I thought it would be a great idea, so all the girls gather in the lobby of SM Entertainment to think of what we should do while our boys are hard at work today.

We sat in the lobby for a long time, then we finally decided what we wanted to do. We are going to take a proper tour of Seoul, then go to one of the traditional Korean palaces so we can wear some pretty hanboks together. It will be a lot of fun, for sure. I book the tour for the 7 of us, then once that's all booked, we meet our tour guide, Mr. Lee Suho. He told us that we can call him Suho, to drop the Mister and that we don't need to call him by his full name. I think he just wants to be comfortable with us, and have us be comfortable with him. It will be a chill tour, that's for sure.

Our tour begins in the bustling, enertainment hub of Seoul; Gangnam. All of us are already familiar with the area since we come back here every day when WayV needs to get back to work. We made ourselves very familiar with Gangnam at this point. We make our way around all the popular and touristy neighborhoods of Seoul. These neighborhoods include: Itaewon, Myeong-dong, Hongdae, Apgujeong-dong, Namdaemun Market, Jamsilbon-dong, etc. Once our tour was over with, we got familiar with the entire city of Seoul. We made our way back to Gangnam, then decided to end the night singing karaoke at a nearby karaoke bar.

By the end of the night, some of the girls were so drunk they couldn't walk or even say proper sentences. I am the responsible one in this scenario because I don't drink to begin with. The drinking and smoking scene was never really for me, so I never do those things. Anyways, I had to hail like 3 taxis for us so we could get back to the WayV dorms safely. I informed the taxi drivers that my friends are drunk and that the taxi drivers just need to make sure they get to WayV's dorms safely. The drivers understand and start driving to the dorms. We arrive back to the dorms and I drag the girls to the bathroom so they can try to sober up before seeing their boyfriends. I know a remedied that usually works here in Korea, and that's hangover soup or get an IV at the hospital. Those things always work, so if the girls are having super bad hangovers, they can just go to the hospital and they'll feel better.

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