Chapter 9: Group Date Continued

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The next couples to go are: Xiaojun and Haneul, Hendery and Kimiko, and the last couple to go is YangYang and Julie. When we finished our surfing portion of the date, we then went outside to where the real action awaits: wakeboarding. We are going to be wake boarding with the help of a v-drive boat that will pull us along. The teacher of our wakeboarding lesson tells us very important things we need to do in order to avoid drowning. That would be the worse-case scenario. Ten is the first to go. There are two v-boats so that the couple can wakeboard together.

All of us watch as Ten and Chaem wakeboard together. Ten is impressive as he jumps off the waves that are made by the boat. He is really good at this. It must be because he is from Thailand and the water is like a second home to him. He also mentioned before that he would do these types of things all the time back home in Thailand, so that’s why he's so good. Chaem is impressed by Ten, which is why she wants to try and do better.

When Ten and Chaem finish wakeboarding, it's Kun and Xiaolian's turn. WayV is notorious for being competitive and mess with each other all the time, so they always wanna top each other at whatever they do. It's a constant competition for them. It's fun to watch, though. We watch as Kun and Xiaolian wakeboard together. They're actually doing pretty well. When Xiaolian takes a dive into the water after she trips, she looks so pretty as she flips her hair out of her face, like a scene in The Little Mermaid. Kun looks at her for a second, and also falls into the water. Kun lets go of the handle attached to the boat and swims towards Xiaolian. They share a romantic kiss as water drips down their face. It is such a pretty scene. Some of the guys film it so they can remember it forever.

Next to give it a try wakeboarding is Xiaojun and Haneul. Now, they've got to be one of my favorite couples out of all the WayV couples. I know that Haneul is San's older sister, and she is just as much of a visual as San, so I see why Xiaojun likes her. As they're wakeboarding, they both fall at the same time. When they resurface, they're laughing at each other. What a coincidence that they fall at the same time. That was actually pretty cute. Then, they get back at it and do well while wakeboarding. I'm surprised. I guess Xiaojun has a hidden talent even he didn't know he had.

The next couple to go is Hendery and Kimiko. Kimiko told me that she is actually pretty nervous to try wakeboarding. She never really does these things because she's a city girl at heart. She never really does to the beach often even though Macau is nearby the beach. Macau is like the Las Vegas of China, which gives me a better idea of what it's like there. Anyways, Kimiko had a hard time wakeboarding, falling multiple times, but Hendery cheers her on. He doesn't want Kimiko to be hurt by not being able to do wakeboarding. There is probably something she's much better at. Hendery will help her find her talent.

After Hendery and Kimiko, WinWin and Jinghua go next. Jinghua does surprisingly well, while WinWin keeps falling into the water. Jinghua encourages him to keep going, even though he feels like he can't. By the time they finish wakeboarding, WinWin compliments Jinghua because she did so well. She is humble and she says it's nothing. Seeing WinWin be so happy with someone, makes his members just as happy for him. I wouldn't be surprised if WinWin is the first one to get married out of all the couples.

The second to last couple to go is Lucas and I. Lucas told me he didn't too well at this when he did it last time, so if I don't do well either, then that's okay. Most of the time, Lucas speaks Cantonese to me, expecting me to understand. I always need either Hendery or Ten to translate for me. Anyways, we begin wakeboarding and a second after we hit the water, Lucas falls into the water. When he resurfaces from the water, he dramatically flips his bangs out of his face and he looks so hot. Watching that water drip off his face, oof. When we finish wakeboarding, we swim to the dock and allow the last couple to hit the water.

When YangYang and Julie finish wakeboarding, it is time to move onto our next activity: zip-lining. I'm most excited for this one. We will be zip-lining through the countryside outside of Seoul. Out here in the summer, the scenery is nice and green. Usually, I'm very afraid of heights. I share that fear with WinWin. I'm glad that there is a member of WayV who shares something like a fear of height with me. The first to go on the zip-line is Kun. Then, when we finish zip-lining, we go on to do our last and final thing for the day.

Finally, we all go go-kart racing. I think I will be the best at this because I'm usually a great driver. It is different because this is Korea and I only drive in America. The instructor tells us all we need to know before getting into the driver's seat of go-kart. After listening to all the rules, we get into our go-karts. The first to race is the guys, then we'll be their own personal cheerleaders. I made good friends with all the girls since we hung out all day. Julie gives me an excuse to learn German again, and the Chinese girls give me an excuse to start learning Cantonese and Mandarin for Lucas.

When the boys finish their 4-lap race, Ten comes out in first and the rest of the members followed very closely behind. Now, it's us girls' turn. We all get into our go-karts, revving up the engines. Then, the girl waves the go flag and we are free to start racing. I gain the lead as I pass all the girls one by one. Lucas is really cheering me on, which encourages me to win this race. By the time we finish racing, I came in first, and Julie came in a close second. Now, we'll all exhausted from our group date, so we head back to the dorms to relax.

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