"Master Beta Dominick, I hope all is well with you and your pack." Jacob said cooly with his rote familiar greeting.

"It is not." Dominick said gruffly, he was clearly fatigued across the line indicating it had been a long day.

"I understand that the circumstances could be better, but we deeply appreciate Alpha Ryan's assistance with the return of the Luna. How is he fairing?" Jacob said knowing how hard the matter must have been and trying to hold a sympathetic air towards the other packs leader.

"Alpha Ryan is dead." Dominick said bluntly. "And this is my last call as Master Beta as I am stepping down and away from the pack." Jacob and Jason shared an intense look at one another, before they looked back at the speaker on the phone as if it could possibly produce a visibility into the internal affairs within the pack.

"I'm sorry, could you be a little more clear?" Jacob said trying to gain some insight into the reasoning behind the sudden shift in the packs alignment.

"In the morning, Alpha Ryan had called an assembly to dole out the previous Betas punishment. Before he could start, he received a challenge to which he lost. His son in line for alphaship, proposed his own challenge and he subsequently lost." Dominick said without emotion, far too drained to allow himself to feel the consequences of the events that took place earlier.

"And this challenge was conducted by the former Beta Alex?" Jacob asked cautiously, his eyes flickering over to Jason who was now white knuckling his fists.

"No. It was not, but Alex will still hold a high position within the pack, he is to take my place as Master Beta. The new alpha..." his voice trailed off for a moment before he took a deep breath. "The new alpha does not wish to cooperate and wished for me to relay that to you as my last sworn duty before my departure."

"And this new alpha, what's his name?" Jason spat out in anger, this fucking pack had been nothing but problems, no matter who the leader was.

"It's Elizabeth. Pinecrest is now under the rule of Alpha Elizabeth. Or what's left of her..." Dominick said his words seeming to trail off in volume the more he spoke.

"Is this some sick fucking joke?" Jason sharply questioned, standing up and planting his knuckles firmly on the desk as he towered over the phone as if the object had personally offended him.

"It is not, and she has assured me that she will not be returning to your pack. Any forces that come near her territory will be considered hostile and she will handle them firmly with an iron fist." There was no jest in his tone, in fact he was rather clear in his speaking.

"And is Alpha Elizabeth available to say this to us herself?" Jacob quickly interjected himself back in before Jason could destroy the phone and end the call.

"I told her that you would request that, and she said that she had no further desire to communicate with Alpha Jason, that my words would be sufficient and she would let the situation pan out at his discretion." The retiring master beta said without a care of what would take place in the future.

"I want to talk to my mate." Jason said harshly into the speaker.

"Well, she is no longer in a position to be inclined to listen to your command. She is currently dealing with opposition to her new role, and inundated with regaining order. I'm sure you know how that goes Alpha Jason. The typical events that unfold at the end of a successful challenge." Dominick said in an almost it is what it is manner.

"Tell her I expect a meeting. A requirement of her new found duty to maintain peace among all packs. On neutral grounds." He said deeply behind gritted teeth, still almost in a state of disbelief.

"I will relay the message. But after that, I am done. You know... it's funny, I thought I would enjoy being right and saying I told you so, but I find no pleasure in this result. Good day gentlemen." Dominick said in finality, thoroughly checked out from his responsibilities. Everything he had tried to protect her from came crumbling down upon him in dramatic fashion. She was not his little girl anymore. She was cold and calculating, she was overrun... she was smothered out like a flame in an airtight container. And everyone was to blame.

"Verify his statements." Jason seethed out, not being able to believe his weak frail little mate was capable of this, despite the growing visible signs of instability. She loved him, he knew it. He felt it. There is no way she would be able to refuse him, there was no way she would want to exist without him. "If he is being truthful, get me that fucking meeting. And make sure Alex is there. He is the fucking cause of this." He said his body overheating and beginning to tremble as he began to pace.

"I will." Jacob said lacing his fingers with elbows on his desk as he seeped into deep thought. "In the meantime, we need Geoffrey's assistance, as the other information is gathered. Perhaps, he can give us some insight on what we can't conceptually see. Insight on this gray area we find ourselves in."

"What the fuck does a scholar have to do with this matter?" Jason spat out sharply.

"He mentioned a theory... something he discussed with me as Elizabeth had asked a question during their shortly lived lessons. Something he relayed to me only after her first bout of instability." Jacob said contemplating the old mans words. He had not relayed this to Jason as the couple were very unstable at the time and it would have only proved to make matters worse.

"What was the question?" Jason snapped his head over to the master beta, his pace immediately halting as he stared intensely at the man in deep thought.

"He said.. he said she asked if a wolf could have two mates. He told her firmly no, and he whole heartedly believes that, but also stated that her question brought to mind the unproven concept of fractured souls that have been documented and studied throughout the years."

"What's the premise?" Jason said a hope for clarity filling his eyes.

"It's a theory in combination with another. The first theory is one of reincarnation, a re-filtering so to speak. That there are the same souls who are regurgitated around throughout time. They cycle in designated groups among one another, they can be in different familial roles, romantic relationships and different sexes in each life. The purpose is that they learn something different to ascend to a different lesson and a higher clarity in their next life.
He said the fractured soul theory is troublesome, it's when growth has been halted by traumatic ends, a fixation develops and perseverates on the exact moment it was halted. It can affect the entire group of collective souls and cause further fractures. A butterfly effect of chaos. I took him with a grain of salt when he relayed this to me, but I believe we need to inquire more on the subject and garner more clarity.
We have been warned about her lineage and we have all seen the signs." Jacob said as he spoke out loud, his mouth erupting his spoken thoughts. "I know Elizabeth is your mate, Jason. But.." he began to hesitate. "And I feel as if I'm losing my rational thought in  saying this.. I think Mathias has taken what's yours, because of something we have not yet become aware of. The prophecy they spoke of
What was once taken from me. I shall once again return to find. I will come to claim what is rightfully mine and lay waste to all those who stand in opposition." His eyes glazing over as if he was putting together a jigsaw puzzle, all uniquely cut tiles bearing the same color making it a challenging task.

"How could you not tell me any of this?" Jason said in absolute anger,  being left in the dark as the master beta put together the pieces.

"Would you have listened?" Jacob questioned quietly with an arched eyebrow, looking over to the Alpha and silence being brought about in the room, them both not having to say the answer out loud.

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