A New Universe

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AN: Props to GokuBurakku for inspiring me to update this earlier. Edit: He also helped me come up with the Merku fusion.

Third Person POV:

Both competitors got in their battle positions, trying to figure out the opponent's battle strategy. Goku jumped at punched at Daishinkan, but his mentor opened a energy shield, blocking the attack. Goku threw a kick at Daishinkan but he just caught it, throwing Goku away. Goku jumped right back up before unleashing a Ki Blast at Daishinkan.

Daishinkan dodged before he attacked Goku with just his fists. They had some hand-to-hand combat with neither of them coming out on top. Suddenly, Daishinkan tripped Goku, sending him flying into the ground. Daishinkan put a foot on his chest. "Do you surrender?" Daishinkan asked. Goku did not answer but instead he forced himself up, making the leader of Angels lose his footing and fall.

In this quick time, a flash blinded the area and it summoned Merus! Daishinkan knew what they were doing, but he was too late to stop it. Goku and Merus did some special poses before connecting their fingers and performing the Fusion Dance! Now, it wasn't Goku vs Daishinkan but, Merku vs Daishinkan.

Merku ran at the speed of sound, picked up Daishinkan and threw him against a rock wall. The leader of the Angels tried to get up but Merku was holding him down with a technique called Matter Choke. "A technique that Daishinkan unfortunately never learned." Angela thought.

Daishinkan stuggled to get out of it. He was choking and spitting. But, he erupted his inner Ki and a huge blast rattled the planet. Merku and Daishinkan launched into battle, kicking and punching each other. "This isn't even my final form!" Merku taunted. He flew into the sky, letting a ear-shattering roar out. A aura appeared around him, making the Grand Priest and Angela shiver in fear. "THIS IS MY FINAL FORM!!! SOMETHING YOU HAVE NEVER ACHIEVED! THE FINAL GRADE OF ULTRA INSTINCT!!! WHIS TOLD ME THAT MY MUI WAS ONLY THE FLOOR, BUT THIS IS THE CEILING!! THIS IS THE FORM OF ANGELA!! THE FORM THAT ZENO FEARS!!!"

Merku flew into the ground, punching it and making a shockwave that actually moved Zeno's palace. The Multiverse itself trembled before this amount of energy. Daishinkan flew through the impact he had previously made in the cliff side, flying to the other side. A ring appeared around Merku's neck and a staff appeared in his hand. "MERUS HAD BEEN DEAD BEFORE THIS, ERADICATED!!! BUT I PERFORMED SOMETHING THAT ONLY ANGELS CAN PERFORM, RESURRECTION! I AM AN ANGEL AND I WILL CREATE A NEW UNIVERSE!!! A NEW PLACE FOR ME TO PROSPER IN!!" Merku roared. All Angela could think of was worry and fear because she knew what Angels could do. She knew the destruction they could create. An old joke she made. "An Angel can create even more destruction than a G.O.D."

Energy flew through time and space, creating a new area. Of energy, of power, of balance. A new universe.


"What did you do, Merku?" Daishinkan questioned, fearful of even talking to the man who unleashed that much power.

"I made a new universe. And "I" is no longer Goku. When referred to me, "I" is Merku. We are a being of harmony and balance. A being of justice and peace. A being of good. I am sorry for going a little psycho earlier. Angela told me that it happened to her when she unlocked that inner power. And since I am her champion, I have the same abilities." Merku explained.

"Well, you have some things to worry about then, don't you? Such as finding a God of Destruction and explaining all this to Zeno." Daishinkan responded. "And, having Zeno not kill you." Daishinkan added as a second thought.

"Zeno is scared of me and Angela. He would never dare try and attack me because then he would have to face Angela. And trust me, Angela's power level is nearly equal to Zeno and I think Zeno might have a crush on Angela." Merku said, making both of them chuckle. "I don't know who I will have as my God of Destruction yet? Possibly Vegeta? But first I would like to speak to my family, hopefully see if they want to move in. Into my new home, Universe 13."

Word Count: 719 (Not as long as I promised, but quite eventful.)

AN: The whole "MUI isn't the best form of UI" actually is canon. Here is a video explaining it(it's not a virus I swear):

Well anyway, see you next chapter!

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