It's Meme Time

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A/n: Times for memes!!!! They're short, but hilarious. Oh by the way, the profanity filter is gone. So prepare for some F-bombs.


Y/n meets Monika

Y/n: Sooo... know you're not a living a true life and being controlled by someone higher than yourself?

Monika: Yes. Have Incredibly OP abilities in your world?

Y/n: Check. Main protagonist?

Monika: ...

Monika: Fuck.


Happy Song

Y/n: *signing* If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands~!

*Everyone but Aqua claps*

Everyone: ...

Darkness: Aqua, you didn't clap.

Aqua: *staring at an empty bottle of booze* I know....



Kazuma: Okay guys. I know I've said this before, but rules are meant to be followed. Nothing is meant to be broken.

Aqua: Uh, Glass?

Rom and Ram: Piñatas!

Megumin: Crab.

Darkness: My armor.

Estelle: Certain rules.

Y/n: And the Fourth Wall!!!


Kyouya admits it!!!!

Y/n: Kyouya

Kyouya: Yeah?

Y/n: You're an idiot.

Kyouya: I never claimed that I wasn't...


I love you

Y/n: Kazuma.

Kazuma: That's my name.

Y/n: I've got a secret to tell you.

Kazuma: What's up?

Y/n: I've only said "I love you" to two people. Misato and my dying grandpa. One of those I deeply regret.

Kazuma: Which one is it?

Y/n: My grandpa. He beat cancer, so I then I looked like a fucking idiot.


Tell 'em to eat shit.

Kazuma: Y/n, can you tell that girl to eat shit?

Y/n: You're support gender equality. Do it yourself.



What really after Y/n took Kyouya's sword

Kazuma: Dude, that's blackmail. You could get in a lot of trouble for that...

Y/n: I prefer the term... extortion...

Kazuma: Why that?

Y/n: The X makes it sound cool!!!


What does everyone do?

TrapMaster20: Okay everyone, you've got seven chairs, but ten people. What do you do?

Kazuma, Estelle and Darkness: Have them stand.

Aqua, Yui, and Compa: Bring three more chairs.

Rom, Ram, and Megumin: Best of the seven sit down!!

Y/n: Play Musical chairs.


How did Y/n get hurt?

Y/n: Hey Aqua, you want to know how I hurt my wrists?

Aqua: Yes.

Y/n: I was hula-hooping. I found a class in this world for it that is both fitness and fun.

Aqua: Oh my me!!!!

Y/n: I mastered many moves. The pizza toss, the tornado, the scorpion... the oopsie doodle.

Aqua: Why are you telling me this?

Y/n: Just like the others with your goddess status, NO ONE will believe.

Aqua: You sick son of a bitch.


Who broke it?

Y/n: So. Who broke it? I'm not mad. I just want to know.

Kazuma: I did. I broke it...

Y/n: No. No, you didn't. Aqua?

Aqua: Don't look at me. Look at Estelle.

Estelle: What?! I didn't break it.

Ram: Wait, then how did you know it was broken?

Estelle: Because it's sitting right in front of us, and it's broken.

Aqua: Suspicious.

Estelle: No it's not!!!

Megumin: If it matters, probably not... Darkness was the last one to use it.

Darkness: What!! I don't drink that!!!

Megumin: Then why were you by it!!!

Darkness: I was getting myself some tea, which was to the right of it, you know I like tea, Megumin!!!

Kazuma: Hey, let's not fight. I broke it, let me pay for it.

Y/n: NO!!!! Who broke it?

Everyone: *Silence*

Rom: Big brother... Yui's been awfully quiet...

Yui: Really?!

Aqua: Yeah... You have!!!

Y/n: *to the fourth wall* It was me. I broke it. It burned my hand so I punched it. I predict that 10 minutes from now, they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and an orc head on a stick. Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.


And now... The last two that I'm betting UmbralFox has been waiting for...

Random Person: *insults team*

Y/n: *draws out swords*

Y/n: *pulls out hammer*

Y/n: *pulls out spear*

Y/n: *points his gun at Random Person*

Y/n: Don't you ever... EVER!!! Talk to me OR my 9 children EVER AGAIN!!!!!!


MAMMA Y/n BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kazuma: Dude!!! You didn't tell me that you had some hidden weapons with you!!!

Y/n: That's Mama Y/n to you, Kazuma Satou!!!!!


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