- wolf moon

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"Okay, obviously I was kidding. But if you see me in shop class, melting all the silver I can find, it's 'cause Friday's a full moon," Stiles laughed as he followed Scott in the woods, finding his inhaler.

Scott stopped, abruptly, looking down at the forest floor.

"No, I could've sworn this was it. I saw the body, the deer running. I dropped my inhaler," he says, crouching down to see better.

"Maybe the killer moved the body," Stiles shrugged.

"If he did, I hope he left my inhaler. Those things are like eighty bucks."

Before Stiles could say anything back, he noticed a figure dressed in dark clothes watching them with an intimidating look on his face. Stiles quickly slapped Scott's shoulder, making him look up and notice the man. As Scott stood back up, the guy walked up to them.

"What are you doing here? Huh? This is private property," he interrogated while the two boys awkwardly looked at him, not knowing what to say.

"Er, sorry man, we didn't know," Stiles spoke up.

"Yeah, we were just looking for something, but, uh, forget it, um," Scott says awkwardly when the guy raised his eyebrows at him.

Before they could say or do anything, the guy took his hand out of his leather jacket pocket and threw something at them. Scott caught it with ease and looked down at his hand, surprised to see it was his inhaler. And with that, the guy turned and walked away from them.

Scott turned back to face Stiles who had his mouth wide open, "Alright, come on, man, I gotta get to work."

Stiles put his hand on Scott's chest stopping him from going anywhere, "Dude, that was Derek Hale! You remember, right? He was only like a few years older than us."

"Remember what?"

"His family. They all burned to death in a fire, like, ten years ago. And don't you remember our other friend, Star?" Stiles asks, trying to get Scott to remember.

Scott remained confused.

"Star Hale. Remember, we both had, like, the biggest crushes on her when we were kids?"

" Yeah, I remember her. Why?"

"She's his cousin. She was at the house when the fire happened. She survived but she's been in a coma ever since. I think she's still asleep, I don't know, haven't heard about her in years."

"Yeah. Yeah, no, I remember... I wonder what he's doing back."

Stiles just scoffed and muttered a 'come on' before walking back home, Scott following behind.

And that was the first time Scott and Stiles had spoken about Star Hale in a long while.

This was a lil fill in chapter. Promise the other chapters won't be this short.

Enjoy, Loves <33

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