Disclaimers and Further Explanations

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By the way, this page is kind of unorganized. Sorry.


I do not own Driftverse, the characters, or anything else related to it other than this story.

The link to Driftverse is in this story's description.

Copywrite info stuff: I don't care if you use my story for something or make a story based on it, so long as you don't claim my story as your own. You also can't do anything that violates the wishes of the person who created Driftverse and/or the people who created the characters.

Explanations/Notes about the story:

This is going to be more of a story outline than an actual story at times. Also, I can't draw so their won't be any art.

This story is called "Driftverse Act 2" because the original Driftverse would function as the first act. This isn't a part 2 to something that I've already made or anything.

The chapter lengths might vary quite a bit (assuming I even decide to do this in chapters).

The story might end up kind of unorganized and/or hard to follow. Sorry if that happens.

When dialog is said by Ink or Cross, it is internal dialog that only the two of them, and the Anons, can hear. The same goes for when Nightmare and Dream talk. When dialog is said by Wing or Drifter, it is said out loud.

I might not finish this.

Info about the Anons:

Since the Anons played an important part in Driftverse, they will be in this story too. The Anons will be treated like a character/characters and their choices will be determined by me rather than by readers.

The Anons are basically disembodied voices who are viewing the multiverse from somewhere else and can only see/hear what is revealed in the story. They can talk to people but that's about all they can do. Also, only the people they are talking to can hear them.

If the Anons aren't mentioned for a while, it doesn't necessarily mean that they've been quite. It just means that they aren't important to the plot in that moment.

Since the Anons are simply viewers from outside the multiverse, they are aware of the 4th wall and can be directly affected by it. This means that the plot can block, censor, and limit their input.

I hope you have a great day!

Driftverse Act 2 (My continuation; not canon to Driftverse)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum