"I Need To Talk To Him About 'School Work'!"

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Chapter 5

I just sat there having a panic attack and staring at floor! ‘I cannot have a crush on Mitch!’ I kept saying to myself, that line went through my head in and out, in and then out. I kept picturing the kissing scenes in my mind and what would happen if I took the kiss. Would I be a different person? I fell back on the bed and closed my eyes. I could feel the outside world going faster and faster, I was falling asleep. It felt like I was falling into a hole and it was all dark then ‘bahm’! I was asleep, it was like my body just started to relax, it’s like it forgot all those troubles were all gone!

I woke to some knocking on my door, I looked my watch ‘9:45am’ flashed up on the screen, I had the day off today because I spent the whole day there yesterday! Opened the to see my mom ‘there is a boy called Mitch at front door and he’s wants to speak to you! Do you want me to tell him you’re not here?’

‘No, it’s fine! I need to talk to him about school work anyway!’ I replied with a morning smile. I walked downstairs and opened the to see Mitch like my mom said but see  didn’t tell me that he had bouquet of white roses ‘EJ!’ Mitch greeted me with a grin

‘what do you want Mitch?’

‘I came to say sorry for my actions yesterday, I didn’t know what I was doing, I shouldn’t of tried to kiss you, I should of taken it a little better! I’m sorry and these are for you!’ he handed me the roses, I smelt the roses, it smelt like a meadow and the breeze in Washington. ‘I accept your apologies, come on in! were about to have some coffee’ I started grinning, he is really! I could not say no because of his cuteness! I mean, come on how would say no to a cute 6 foot tall guy with beautiful brown eyes and hair and dresses like a cute rebel! But Mitch is a completely perfect 6ft guy and I’m an unpopular girl that is 4.9ft tall and has frizzy red hair! How would a guy like Mitch fall for me? Could he actually fall for me though? I mean, he tried and kiss twice already! But still could not get the ‘that one last kiss goodbye’ scene out of my head as I saw Mitch walking into the kitchen!

That One Last Kiss Goodbye [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now