Back To School

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Chapter 12

I woke up my phone making a sharp chime in my ear, grabbed my phone 'get yo ass up! You've got school!' flashed up on the screen, I laughed. I forced myself out of bed and all I could think 'was Mitch only a dream?' I teared up, I didn't want Mitch to be a dream, he was all I wanted, even though we've had three failed kisses and I've only kissed him on the cheek once! I wiped away my tears and started waddling downstairs "Good morning dear" My mom said with a giant smile "do want some pancakes?" I sat up on the kitchen, the same spot I sat in yesterday, I was sure.

"Sure" I responded, looking at the floor "Mom, I'm not sure if this is a dream but do you know Mitch?"

She looked up at me dully "Of course I know Mitch! He was over at our house yesterday!" I had I sigh of relief

"Thank god!" I held my heart like in the movies, my mom looked over at me with a smirk, she passed me the pancake

"ohhhhhh, looks like someone is crushing on someone!" she teased, I could feel myself blushing, pulled the pancake towards me

"Oh shut up mom!" I could feel myself still blushing


I finished my pancake and played around with syrup on the plate

"Come on you should probably get ready!" she said taking my plate. I stood up and walked out into the hallway, I started walking up the stairs when I got a knock on the door "I'll get it!" I shouted walking down the stairs. I opened the door to see Mitch in his average wear and his bag slung over his shoulder

"Hey EJ! Can I come in?" he smiled

"Sure, I just need to get ready!"

"Okay, I'll wait down here!"

"Okay!" I ran upstairs. I put on a bit of make-up and put on a nice long sleeved t-shirt with some leggings and studded converse to make myself seem edgy. I walked downstairs with my bag hung over my shoulder "You ready?" Mitch asked opening the door

"yeah!" we walked outside, it was gloomy and was slightly sprinkling, Mitch took out an umbrella from his bag and opened it, the rain trickled on the umbrella. The pitter-patter made it feel romantic, but it was sort of awkward.

Mitch and I were silent the whole bus ride, I decided to break the silence "so" I started "Did you report your car to the police?" Mitch nodded

"Yeah, they said they would get on it as soon as they could. I guessing they won't find it" he puffed, I put my hand on his shoulder and rubbed it

"Don't worry you will" I reassured him, he looked over at me. He smiled then kissed me on the cheek, I blushed and kissed him on the cheek back. I put my head on his shoulder

"EJ and Mitch sitting it the tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g" the person in front of us teased, I take my head of Mitch's shoulder

"Shut up Haywood." I muttered, he glared at me then turned around, I looked at Mitch then kissed him on the cheek again. He knew we were more than friends, I knew we were more then friends!

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