"Enough of this small talk Metatron. There's one reason why I'm here."

"Oh I see your soul split. Tell me, how is it with those Winchesters? And I see you're getting cozy with Gabriel"

"Enough Metatron!" I started to let my manipulation seep through. "I want to work for you. Be a second hand of sorts, like Gadreel was."

"Second hand huh? Like your sister is Lucifer? That could work. Get these angels to let me out and it will be done."

"It shall be done. I'll send you a message through angel radio. Don't play any tricks or I will hurt you."

I walked out and back to Gabriel.

~Sam's POV~

It was just Dean and I in the bunker trying to figure out why Metatron brought the girls here. My head was still itching on why Dean hit Caroline, what in his right mind thought that was ok. "Dean why did you do it?" I looked Dean sternly, I got angry thinking about the scene Desi and I walked into.

"I don't know Sam."

"What do you mean you don't know Dean! She said you shoved her against a wall and slapped her, what is your damn problem!" I could feel the pint up anger fueling.

"Sammy I don't know I was angry, I regret what I did everyday ok! Everyone hates me, and my hands are broken Sam I hate myself. I hate everything about my life right now ok!" I sighed and pushed the hair out of my face.

Ever since Desi and Caroline got here it seemed like Dean was spinning out of control. I'm the only family he has so I have to be decent to him, but after what he did I didn't want to be around him anymore. I don't care he punches me or threatens my life, I just wasn't sure if I could do this anymore.

Lucifer's deal was sounding more and more appeasing to me. He was right we would both have Desi, and Desi was right I'm sure she could get Lucifer to pull some strings for me. I don't want to be locked up in my own body, but I also don't like the idea of having joint custody over my body either. Whenever Desi gets back from her oasis with Lucifer I think I will talk to her about it.

I don't care how upset it may make Dean, anything is better than having to deal with him sulking everyday. Also his mark has been bothering him more and more lately, but no one really cared about getting it removed at this point. I skimmed through more books to see if I could find anything on what Metatron was up to.

{{Dean's POV}}

I was loosing everything. Caroline hardly glanced my way, Sam was starting to drift from me, Desi hated me but I don't blame her, and even Cas has ignored me.

When the girls first got here and we were getting along with them I thought everything would be okay but I guess I should have known better. A hunter's life was never easy, especially for us Winchesters. For God's sake I had Ben and Lisa for a time being but for their own good we wiped their memory of who I was. I had a fucking daughter that Sam had to kill because she would have killed me.

Suddenly Caroline and Gabriel were back in the bunker. Caroline smiled up at Gabe and told him bye for now. I wonder if she was now working for Metatron.

"You, come with me" The happiness that was on her face moments before was completely gone. This would be the first time she actually spoke to me. I followed her out into the woods but I didn't dare say anything. "Metatron allowed me to work with him due to my manipulation working on him. I'll be his second hand of sorts, kind of like that angel you got to possess Sam's body after the trials, Gadreel." What more could Metatron need? "While I'm working with him, I'll have him tell me how to get rid of the mark from your arm." Wait, what?

"Wait, why? After what I did to you, you still want to remove it?" Shouldn't she hate me?

"I don't hate you, I hate what you did. Besides, I made a promise to you almost a year ago now that I would get that fucking thing off of you and I'm keeping that promise. That night, I know the mark did most of it but that doesn't mean I forgive you for what you did Winchester. I'm just letting you know that the fucking mark will be gone soon." She turned around and headed back to the bunker to let everyone else know that our plan was in action whenever Lucifer, Desi, and Gabriel were back.

~Desi's POV~

Lucifer and I were back at my oasis just loving each other, being his second hand made us closer than ever. He held me close and looked at me with his icy blue eyes "I'm so proud of you." I smiled because I already knew how proud of me he was. I loved the way he looked at me, it was with so much passion.

"I'm glad I make you so proud, I'm glad we're so close."

"I am too." He gave me his sweet addicting kiss, they were so soft yet full of intense passion, it was pretty hard to restrain ourselves. Well he needed Sam, but that's a whole other story. We kept kissing until I could hear and little voice inside of my head to go back. I pulled away a little "hey we have to go back hun."

"actually we could just stay here." He mumbled into my neck, "I'm sorry," I whispered into his ear "We really have to go though, I can hear Caroline waiting." He groaned and looked at me a little annoyed, I knew he didn't want to leave but we were trying to settle this whole entire shenanigan with Metatron. He kissed me and we were back in the bunker ready to see what Caroline had to say, with Lucifer a little bothered. Sam was giving us both a look, and I knew he wanted to talk.

AN: Ah Caroline still wants the mark of Dean, shipments are getting closer. Shit is going down, and Caroline is now second hand to Metatron. How much more action can we add, the answer is a lot haha. Hope you enjoyed the chapter, comments are greatly appreciated and votes are too. ----> Onwards to next chapter.


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