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 " okay calm down Mina " Mark said to her calming down the nervous girl

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" okay calm down Mina " Mark said to her calming down the nervous girl


" can you stop screaming for just 1 minute " yuegyeom said clearly annoyed


" my poor ears , what did they ever do to you "

" you shouldn't have come if you were only gonna complain " Mina said to yuegyeom getting irratitated by his constant complaining

" I had to , chan dragged all of us out of the house "

" I didn't drag you " chan said " I simply just held all of you by the collar and placed you in the van "

" so you mean you dragged us " changbin said

" no-"

" we're here " Mark shouted from the front

" well I guess I'm off now " Mina said while jumping off the van and steeping on the side walk " bye losers"

" bye Mina I hope you choke on your breadsticks " changbin replied with and shut the van door

" little bitch " Mina mumbled under her breath and set off to the gates

The teenager slowly but steadily walked into school trying to radiate the same charasmatic energy she had the other day . Hiding her nervousness she carried on walking all the way to her home room where she kicked the door open suprising all of her fellow classmates and nonchalantly sat down on her vacant seat that had been empty since last year.

Jisung who was debating with yeji about which power ranger was better turned around as quick as he could when he heard the classroom door open , expecting it to be the teacher , but was given quite a shock when he saw the girl he had a crush on his entire life strutting down the room and plonking themselves onto the chair right behind him .

" hey ji , why do you think Minas back to school again " yeji asked he best freind

" I'm not sure "

" you sure , cause it seems like a lot happened on Wednesday "

" nothing happened "

" I doubt that " yeji said and almost immediately gasped after " did you guys fight "

" no "

" then why are you so down , you didn't even defend the black ranger like usual "

" I guess it's just one of those days "


" stop being so loud , the whole class is staring now "

" says you , the boy who screamed over his pasta being cold "

" it happened one time "

" it still happened "

" he screamed cause his pasta got cold " Mina mumbled to herself not knowing that the whole class was staring at her ( including jisung who started blushing instantly) .

" what I can't do that " jisung tried to say confidently

" yeah , you can't "

" why not "

" cause you can't "

" you have to stop being so vague "

" no "

Attracting a lot more heads they all did seem surprised that the schools mystery girl was openly conversing with another student especially Han jisung of all .

" okay quiet down students , we have a lot to learn today " the teacher said as he entered the

" okay quiet down students , we have a lot to learn today " the teacher said as he entered the classroom

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