"You disgust me."

And Amelia believed her. How could she not when the words were spoken with such venom.

The woman steps away but not before pushing Amelia backwards into Marcus causing them both the stumble. Bonneville takes a moment to compose herself, a grin back on her face once she does so.

"Marcus, you can take miss Martin towards the portkey. I'm finished here."

"Madam Bonneville, she hasn't had her wounds looked after by the heale-"

"I know." The woman says, "Like I said, take Martin to the portkeys."

Marcus clears his throat, "She has the rights to-"

Bonneville turns back around, "That was an order, Marcus."

The man stays quiet for a moment, "Very well."

An arm settles itself on her waist and her arm gets placed around Marcus' neck. Together they ungracefully stumble their way to the exit.

"Oh, and Amelia?" The two of them stop. They don't turn around and Amelia grids her teeth in annoyance, glaring forward to the door, "It was awful knowing you."



Bonneville almost straight up told her that she thought that Amelia wouldn't make it, that they wouldn't meet again. Amelia was almost scared to admit to herself that her boss might be right for once. She didn't feel good, everything hurt. There were only five days until her trial. Surviving for five days, It didn't sound like a lot but the witch wasn't even sure if she would reach that deadline outside of Azkaban. Not with the state that she was in.


The voice sounded closer and it's only when she lifts her head that she notices that it was her turn. She gives Marcus a sheepish grin for having to drag her forward when she wasn't focusing.

A man removes her handcuffs and encloses separate metal cuffs on her arms and leg. With a wand wave the man controls the cuffs and Amelia gets moved to stand in front of the camera. She blinks, her mind still catching up with the fast movement before she gives the magical camera a small smirk. Her right hand forms a peace sign and she adds a little wink. Might as well make it memorable. Maybe, if she were to make it out of this, she could hang the mugshot on her wall.

They move her to the left and right, Amelia annoying the cameraman by turning her head to the front when she wasn't supposed to. Marcus catches her as they finish her pictures and together they 'walk' towards the only opening in the room. The portkey had brought them into the chamber so that the only way out of the room was into the prison. 

It made the room more secure and made it so that criminals were less likely to escaping. Not that there was a way of escaping. The cuffs on her body were enchanted, making it so that if someone with them was to near the end of the property they would be teleported back inside. The ministry wasn't taking any chances after the mass breakouts, and the escape of Sirius of course. 

It was the only room in Azkaban that held humans, the rest of the prison was too inhuman for people to work in. As they near the opening she felt the temperature of the room drop. 

Normally the dementors took the prisoners to their cell. However, as Amelia couldn't walk herself, Marcus was tasked to drop her of. The opening didn't have a door but magic protections instead. As they pass through the veil Amelia almost falls from the depressive pressure that engulfs her body. Her fingers dig into Marcus and she feels herself slightly sink through her knee. She faintly notices that the auror beside her was shivering as well.

Hocus Pocus // T. StarkWhere stories live. Discover now