The coat sleeves went past her hands and it was long, halfway down her thighs.

Lee watched her with an amused but also concerned smile. He didn't know where they were, but it obviously was somewhere Grace knew.

After a moment, a thought seemed to strike her, and she ran out of the hideout, Lee at her heels after shutting the door.

They soon came upon a small two story house, it looked normal from the outside, and Grace slowly pushed open the kitchen door, Lee put the broom outside, ready for them.

It looked and smelled dusty, there were stairs in the kitchen and Grace seemed to float up them.

First she opened a door to a lavender painted room, half a poster was on a wall above a canopy bed made for a child, a desk and bookshelf with children's books. A stuffed bunny toy lay on the floor and Grace picked it up and hugged it tightly and carried it with her, leaving the door open.

Next was a room obviously originally belonging to a teenage boy. Clothes everywhere and just general mess. The paint was a light red, but not too bright, Quidditch posters lined the walls.

Grace brushed her fingers over one that had a rip in it, right down the middle, Lee realized that the other half was the poster in the girl's room.

"We fought over this one." Grace said softly. "Not anything big, I wanted it, and Timmy said no that it was his. We didn't even shout before father ripped it in half and hit us for arguing. We tried to defend each other... but..." She shook her head and took a breath. "Later, mama dug it out of the trash and told us we each got a piece, and it said it was our reminder to always be there for each other."

She left Lee to think and walked into her Mama's room. The huge bed didn't seem as big as it used to, when she would try to get away from her father when he wouldn't stop touching her and...

Grace shuddered and shook the memories away. She looked at a picture of her mama on the nightstand, noticing a large pocket watch on it.

She slipped it into her pocket and turned, she looked at the full length mirror and wiped the grime off of it.

Too similar.

The same hair color and style.

Same cheekbones.

Same eyes.

There were scissors on the bedside table and Grace grabbed them, before she knew it, her hair that was past her hips, was now shoulder length, it looked jagged, but not bad.

Lee walked in and jumped.

"Grace what the heck?!"

She turned to look at him, dropping the scissors. "I, I-"

"You cut your hair..." he said, shocked.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean... it was an accident!" She started to back away as Lee picked up the scissors. "Please don't hurt me!"

"Grace, baby I would never hurt you. Okay? Look, I'm putting them down..." he put them on the dresser and then walked to Grace slowly, when she didn't protest, he pulled her into a hug.

"I will never hurt you. I promise."


After awhile, they left the house. Lee started to enter the living room, but Grace grabbed his hand and stopped him with a quick shake of her head.

"You... don't want to go in there."

He didn't protest and they got on the broom and headed back to the campsite.

By this time, the sun was coming up, and by the time they got back, the sun was high. Grace had moved Sirius' jacket to her arm with the stuffed rabbit.

When they got back and landed, it seemed like the whole world had been on fire.

"Mum! Dad!" Lee shouted suddenly, running to an older couple and hugging them while his mother cried.

Mrs. Jordan was a very pretty woman, her skin was sepia colored and she had glossy black hair with grey streaks, Mr. Jordan was bald and tan, both were tall.

Grace hung back, looking for her family, panicking slightly.

"Grace!" Arthur shouted and Grace spun around to see him running towards her, she hugged him tightly when he reached her, he did a double take at her hair but didn't say anything as Grace started talking.

"I'm sorry! I didn't... father... he..."

"Shhh, Charlie told me. I'm just glad you're safe. Everyone is alright. Just worried at this point."


"Don't apologize. C'mon, let's go home. They're all waiting there."

"Okay... wait." Grace turned and went to hug Lee. "I'll see you in a few weeks."

"See ya, Gracie."

"Thank you." She said after hesitating for a moment.

Lee smiled. "I wouldn't leave you, I'll see you on the train." He kissed her hand and then he and his parents left.

"Take my arm." Arthur instructed gently.

Grace did, and after a few seconds of feeling sick, they were at the burrow.

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