"Are you mad at me"

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(Fp has his trailer but Polly, Betty, and jellybean don't exist. It's just Charles, Alice, Gladys, jughead and Fp . They all live in trailer Charles is around 12 years old and jughead is 4 years old. Fp is 28, Alice is 26, and Gladys is 31. Also imagine there's two bed rooms in the trailer.)

I wake up to find Fp side of the bed cold and empty. It doesn't surprise me ever since jughead turned 4 he has been wanting Fp attention 24/7. Although Fp makes time for Charles. I can still say it's not enough for him or me.

Getting out bed putting his shirt on, and going to the kitchen. My eyes soon light with rage to see Fp, Gladys and jughead making pancakes except. It's really Fp and Gladys flinging pancake batter at each other and jughead head laughing. Then without them noticing pancake batter hits me.

"Sorwwy" jughead said getting both his parents to turn around. "Oh hey babe I didn't see here let m-

"I got it Fp" l said a little higher than I anticipated.
"Where is Charles" I ask wiping the the batter of my face. "I think he is still sleep." Said Gladys in a fake nice tone. "I'll go wake him for school." I said a little stressed. "I'll come with you babe." He said putting his hands on my shoulders and started massaging them. Which put a smile on my face.

When we got into Charles's room the cover was on the floor and his feet were hanging over the bed. "He sleeps like you." "Well he is a Jones" Fp said shaking him to wake up but he wouldn't budge.
"Charles baby it's time to get up." I said giving him kisses because if he's anything like Fp he'll wake up for sure, " it's Friday mom can I skip school today." He really is Jones because he Has the exact same groggy voice Fp does in the morning.

"No because you football practice after school and tomorrow's your game, so get up and get ready." I say walking out the door. "Fine, but can dad pick me up after football practice so I can show him the new moves I learned." Fp chuckled "Of course I can you I use play football in my glory days." Charles smile and got out of bed and got ready.

When walk into the kitchen Gladys is just playing Jughead. "Say mama ok say mama." "HEY, your cheating!" I turn of course Fp is walking towards them forgetting about me and my good morning kiss. I sigh and walk towards our bed room and get ready for the day.

As soon as I close the door Fp comes rushing in. "Fp what are doing?" Picking up my deodorant but before I could he picks me up places me on the sink and kisses me. Like we haven't seen each other for years, and to be honest it feels like we haven't. That kiss was so amazing but soon broken when Gladys yelled, " FP HE'S WALKING!" Fp quickly Abandons me on the sink grabbing jughead smothering him kissed right in front of Charles who looked kinda of sad.

But he shook it off and ate his breakfast. After I finished getting ready. I put on some ripped mom jeans and a black crop top with boots. " Charles grab you back pack and get in the car." I say walking out of the room. "Ok come dad let's go." I'm come boy say bye to brother first." "Bye jughead." Charles said and gave him a kiss on the head. We were just about to leave, but of course Gladys said, "oh wait Fp what about jughead's play." "I'll be back in time." He said kissing jughead goodbye.

After we dropped Charles off at school I offered to go to Pop's. When we arrived we sat at a booth side by side and ordered our usual. "Hey Fp I think we should talk about the living arrangement at the trailer." I said kind of nervous because I didn't want him to get mad or think that he was a bad father.

"Ok, what's going on with it?" He said looking at my hands knowing I was nervous. " don't take this the wrong way I love Jughead and I know he's your son and I know Gladys had be there so your both coparenting him but it's ju-

"Here you are one strawberry and chocolate milkshake. Two burgers one with extra cheese and the other with extra fries." Pop Tate said handing us our food.

"Thanks Pop" I said and started stuffing my face with fries, I didn't get to eat breakfast and while we all know why. "Woah hey Alice slow down, and finish telling me about the living situation." He said grabbing my hand so I won't put another fry in my mouth. "Right Fp I love you and jughead and sometimes Gladys, but I feel like your not seeing the problem with us all living together."

"There's a problem like what is the trailer to small we can buy a house." I sighed"no Fp it's not the trailer it's our family." He looked at me like I was speaking another language. "Me, you, Charles our family that's the problem." "Did I do something or?"
RING RING "I wonder who that could be" I whisper but Fp heard me.

"Hey Gladys" I rolled my eyes as he said her name.
"Damn it I'm sorry I'll be home right away." He hung up then grabbed my arm and walked out of Pop's. "Hey I wasn't finished eating.!" He shook his head and we drove back home to the trailer.

Once we got there he dropped me off and went back to Gladys and Jughead. So they wouldn't be late for jugheads play. Typical I thought to myself.

A few hours later the school calls me and tells me that Charles has not been picked up yet. Anger and rage flows through my body how could FP forget to pick up his own son. I grab my coat and keys.

When I get there Charles is sitting on the steps at school. As soon as I go grab him and walk him to the car FP, Gladys and Jughead show up. Fp jumps out of the car runs towards us. "CHARLES wait I so so so sorry son Jughead's play went on longer then I expected and then there was-

"I don't care dad I understand." He said looking at the ground, "Hey buddy I can still take you home we're all going for milkshake Pop's first. You wanna come and then you can show me your football moves."

Seeing Charles's face it looks like he's about to cry. "No I just wanna go home with mom." he says walking towards the car door and getting in. "Alice I promise I would never- "Their waiting on you Fp" I say getting in the car and going home.

Knowing Charles was disappointed in his father made my heart hurt, but also gave me an idea to finally get Fp to pay attention. "Charles sweetheart I know your upset but what if we prank your dad."
He face lit up like he just won the super bowl.

"Yeah, but what prank?"
"We ignore him the way he does us I mean don't know if it's a good prank bu-
"I love it that's going to have to pay more attention to us." He said, it hurts to know that he felt that way but I also could see the point he is making.
"We start tomorrow." I said very confident. "Ok great I can't wait!" Said with a little evil smirk on his face which kind of made me nervous but happy that he was happy.

Oh boy how is this gonna turn out? 😏😏

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