Chapter 15

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Entering the building, Tzuyu pushed the door and put her hand on her mouth when she saw the walls covered with blood. Two bodies lay before her eyes.

"Oh my God…"

"Lieutenant! Our two killers fled in an Audi V8! Head for the station!"

"To all units, I want everyone to go after them!" She shouted in her little radio before rushing out.

The car roared on the road, zigzagging among the others. Chaeyoung turned his steering wheel to his right and took a small alley before returning to the main road along with the town. He glanced into the rearview mirror and saw three police cars.

Mina turned to her seat to see them. The Audi spun fast.

"You’re going to stop in a corner and run away. We’re splitting up,” she says.


"If they fucking arrest us, you’re going to end up in jail. That’s what you want?" She yelled. "Now you’re going to lose them to me and you’re going to stop!"

Chaeng tightened his jaw and continued to accelerate in order to distance himself from the police. He turned in several small alleys before stopping. The siren reasoned all over the city and soon it would get closer to their position.

"Where are you going?"

"If we split up, it will take them longer to find us," said Mina, breaking down her seat belt.

"I refuse to give you…"

She grabbed his collar and kissed him with passion.

"You may be a mistake but I was happy to make it."

"Mina… Mina! Wait!"

The older pushed the door and rushed out. Chaeyoung clenched his jaw and froze when he saw a small piece of paper on the passenger seat. “Meet me at the hangar”.

"There! Lieutenant! The car!" Yelled Somi.

Tzuyu turned her steering wheel, entering the small alley. Pulling her service weapon, she exited the vehicle and pointed it in front of her.

"Do not move…"

She kept quiet and triaged the door, to find no one there.

"Damn, they got away!" Spit Somi.

The young woman knelt down to look at the condition of the wheels. Putting her fingers on the tires, she found mud.

"This car drove through the forest very recently…"

"What are you thinking?" Asked her colleague.

"That their base is probably hiding out there."


"It’s been three hours now, I was hoping she’d be here when I got here. I had merged into the population like Mina did in the first murder. I had taken a bus and got off at the last stop outside the city and continued on foot to reach the hangar. I was terrified because I hadn’t heard from Mina. I didn’t know if she was still running around the city, trying to escape the police, but I trusted her. If she asked me to meet her here, she would."


Out of breath, Chae fell down on his knees when he finally reached the hangar. He discovered an old motorcycle and frowned. Getting up, he grabbed his service weapon, which he had kept alive all the time, and slipped inside the hangar. He froze when he saw gasoline everywhere and raised his head towards the bung poured over her.


She gently looked up at him and threw the can to the side. Her face was stained with blood from her last two victims, her eyes were tired. This fire in her eyes had extinguished. Her soul was already dead.

Chaeyoung approached her gently and took her face in his hands.

"Don’t do that, there must be another way," he said, crying.

"I want to burn all the evidence," she mumbled without looking at him.

"All… What?"

She finally straightened her eyes towards him.

"If they find me, they will find you. So… If I disappear… You will be saved."

"No stop, this idea, forget it!"

"I want you to let me do this." Begged Mina by grabbing the collar of his coat. "It will never stop. It has to stop! You know it yourself! So stop lying to yourself, Look at the reality!"

"Mina, please stop…"

She pulled on his coat and kissed him to keep his mouth shut.

"Know that I love you and that I will always be there for you," she says, pulling his service weapon from his jeans before violently pushing him out.

Chaeyoung was about to throw himself at her when she lit a match and dropped it. He howled with terror and the fire ignited. A gas explosion was created and it was propelled out of the hangar. He only had time to see Mina turn his weapon against her and shoot herself.

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