Chapter 11

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The storm roared outside and the rain suddenly began to fall against the walls of the hangar. The storm announced last night on TV, awoke slowly.

Breathing heavily against the ground, Mina tightened her jaw and broke eye contact with the younger. She was not to crack. Her walls had to stand around her to protect her.

"Those men you killed, they hurt you?" Asked the lieutenant.

She opened her eyes.

"Did they touch you?"

"Shut up," she said with a grunt.

"You were just a teenager or a child?" Chae still continued to ask.

"Shut your mouth!" She screamed before she burst into tears.

Chaeng quickly let go of his grip and rolled the brunette on her back to face him. She cried like a terrified child. His heart pressed when he saw her in this state. She trembled, she was petrified, tears streaming down her red cheeks. He pulled her gently by the shoulders and wrapped her in his protective arms.


"She told me everything. Adopted at the age of five by a man, she was beaten. To earn money, she had become the sexual object in order to pay off her father-in-law’s debts. She was raped from the age of 10 until she was 17 before she ran away. From the age of 25, she had decided to take revenge and had researched her former rapists. Her blood was cold when she discovered that they were fathers. What if they did the same to their children? She had to protect them so that they would not experience what she had experienced."

"When she had managed to trace it back to one of them, she decided to take action: kill each of her rapists. She had started with Lucas Wood. She had discovered that he had raped his 3-year-old daughter. She had been hard on him with the hammer while he was still alive. The head was almost detached from his body when we discovered it. It hit again and again until he stopped screaming. She had so much blood on her, she had to burn her clothes."


Mina had suffered, suffered terribly, and lived in the shadows for years. They had defiled her life, her feelings, her virginity, her image. They had all taken from her. She was just an empty shell when I pressed her against me. She was drowning and waiting for someone to pull her out.


"I was completely devastated when she burst into tears in my arms. This manipulative and seductive woman was actually a frightened and destroyed woman."

"That was the day I decided to change sides."


"Who is left?" Asked the younger while stroking her neck.

"George Hunt and Marc Phil," Mina answered, mumbling, shaking.

"Let me help you."

She leaned back to look at him. Her tears were wiped away by the hands of her lieutenant, who looked at her with his soft eyes.

"I will help you find them."

"No, you have nothing to do with this. I don’t want to drag you into…"

"Yes, because you brought me into your life and for a good reason. I have to protect the woman I love. Making her happy like you made me happy."

"You’re an asshole," she says by hiding her face against his chest.

"Stupid and in love."

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