My stomach swirls with a picture of nerves and anticipation as I zip my backpack and sling the straps over my shoulders, but I don't let my anxiety get the better of me. As much as I don't want this meeting to happen, I need to know what my options are for the future, and that means being aware of every piece of information I can get my hands on.

"Mikayla, don't forget you have a meeting in the English department staff room now, so why don't you hang back and we can walk over there together?" Mr Myers suggests after wiping the remnants of today's lesson from the white board.

His question is worded nicely, but we are both aware that I don't have a choice in the matter. I wouldn't be surprised if he has been asked to personally escort me to this meeting so that I don't try leaving the school grounds before my guardians get here. Their lack of faith in me stings, but the feeling is nothing new to me.

I don't bother responding to him because by the time I can even shrug my shoulders Mr Myers has already finished collecting his belongings from the desk and fished his keys out of his pants pocket. Tucking my hair behind my ears, I readjust my bag straps so that they aren't digging into my shoulders as harshly before following him out the door into the deserted corridor where he proceeds to lock us out.

The walk to the English department staffroom is only short which I am grateful for. The shorter the distance to our destination, the less chance there is that I will have to participate in mindless small talk and the less chance there is that I will become distracted and cause more problems for myself.

Turning the last corner into the English block I am unsurprised to find Nathan and Will already waiting outside the staffroom. They are both too engrossed in their conversation to notice us approaching, however it doesn't really matter as not even two seconds later the principal steps out of the staffroom catching everybody's attention.

"Nathan, William, thank you for agreeing to meet with us this afternoon, I understand that you are both very busy and your jobs in particular make it difficult to attend these sorts of things on such short notice so for you to make the time to talk with us today is greatly appreciated." Mr Pauling greets both Nathan and Will in his formal principal voice while ushering us into the spacious staff room.

"That's no problem at all, thank you for organising this meeting. I think we all want to find a positive outcome for Kenzie going into the future so making the time to meet with you is the least we can do." Will responds appreciatively while shaking Mr Pauling's hand in greeting. Nathan copies the action while I stand to the side out of everybody's way.

Eventually after all of my teachers have introduced themselves to my guardians and vice versa we are ushered over to a number of comfortable looking pleather seats which have been set up in a lazy circle around the centre of the room. Two large coffee tables rest in the middle and as I look around the room I notice several desks with plush divider walls pressed against the walls. Most of them are scattered with different papers, however a few are in pristine condition, much like Chris's work desk had been at the police station.

"Please, take a seat wherever you'd like and make yourself comfortable." Mr Greene says once Mr Pauling has closed the door to the staff room. He wears a tight, but friendly smile as he speaks and the way he refuses to completely meet my eyes creates a sinking feeling in my stomach.

Nathan, Will and I each sit down on one of the pleather chairs and within moments the majority of the other seats are quickly occupied by the rest of my teachers. Being the one to call this meeting in the first place, Mr Pauling clears his throat gently before cutting straight to the chase.

"So, I take it we are now all aware of Mackenzie's learning situation and in particular her reading difficulties, so I'm not going to waste any of our time rehashing what everybody already knows. What we do wish to discuss with you is our plan of action concerning Mackenzie's education moving forward into the next couple of years."

All Four Of MeWhere stories live. Discover now