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Chapter 7

I continue my conversation with Lucia.

Me: Really?

Lucia: Yea, I mean, Tanya has a boyfriend. They wouldn’t cheat.

Me: I like your confidence. If I get confined with her I will probably get nasty ideas.

Lucia: And that is why he is Frank Hazelton and you are Charles Bluefield.

Brian: Duh!

Lucia: I will only get insecure when these 10th graders come. They always behave in an unusual manner around him.

Me: Oh! Insecure…

Lucia: He would probably get insecure if my ex-boyfriend was to return so…

Brian: Yea, we get your point.

Present day

I was thinking of asking her how she felt now that the 10th graders were almost coming.

Me: How do you feel now? The girls are coming.

Lucia: How am I supposed to feel?

Me: Insecure.

Lucia: I still have the whole day to secure my man.

Martin: As for me, I am glad the girls are coming. I am tired of rating Allison.

Martin passively hijacks the conversation.

Lucia: You, tell me something.

Me: What now?

Lucia: What are you going to do about the girls and stuff? Are you going back to Amanda or…?

Me: Well, I don’t know. But I have 2 personal rules which are: I do not date girls who stay in my area, they will know too much and annoy me, and I do not go back to my ex-girlfriend.

Lucia: Really?

Me: Yea. Then what kind of gentleman would I be if I broke my own rules.

Lucia: The kind of gentleman who isn’t arrogant.

Me: I am the definition of a proper gentleman.

No matter what anyone was going to say about me, I knew I was a proper gentleman. My other ex-girlfriend confirmed that. I also dress better than anyone in my grade and anyone below my grade. I was the chief.

Lucia: That’s what you think.

Me: Seriously, look at this blazer. Who, in this classroom, dresses better than me?

Lucia: Yes, you dress better than the others. Maybe because you wear different uniforms.

Me: Really? Highly doubted.

Lucia: You sure about that?

Me: Positive.

Tanya entered the classroom.

Me: Eyo what’s up.

Tanya: Nothing much.

Me: Where do you disappear to every study period?

Steven: To boyfriend.

Me: Steve!

Steven: Am I lying?

To be fair, that is wat was on my mind also.

Tanya: Does it concern you?

Steven: This concerns me not.

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