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She was looking right into my eyes.

Me: Huh!

Tanya: What do I lack!

Steven: Brains.

I was relieved someone rescued me from this one because I wasn’t ready for an explanation.

Tanya: Say what?

Steven: I’m saying I wouldn’t want to have your level of IQ. Negative intellect right in that skull of yours.

Tanya: You know what Steven? This is the last time I am tolerating your nuisance.

Steven: And somehow I don’t care.

I had a feeling she was more than serious and I knew in less than 24 hours he was going to say something hurtful. Tanya left the classroom once again.

Me: Rosewater! One of these days you will get in trouble. That is bullying. Remember that incident with Fiona.

Some Months Earlier

Jennifer: I told Mr B.B. He is coming.

Mr B.B entered.

Mr B.B: I hear Fiona is crying because some of you have big mouths. (Waving his whip)

Mr B.B was one of the scariest teachers in the school.

Mr B.B: Who are the culprits?

The Present

Steven: I am not the one who got in trouble, you were one of the culprits remember.

Me: That is not where my point lies.

Steven: Ok I hear you.

Later that day

I entered the classroom about 20 minutes after I had left. Steven ran to me.

Steven: You got to help me bro.

Me: What, what’s up?

Steven: I think I messed up.

Some 2 minutes earlier

Steven tapped Tanya’s bottom.

Tanya: You have really crossed the line this time. This is harassment.

Steven: Well, sorry.

Tanya: Good luck explaining this to the principal. Let me give you some piece of advice; do not harass a girl whilst the principal is also female.

Tanya left for the principal’s office.

The Present

Me: You messed up. So you want me to be your witness

Steven: No, talk Tanya out of it.

Me: No problem.

If I had a dollar for every time I got in trouble for harassment, I would be a fat cat. Every time I managed to flush the stories.

(Say no to harassment and abuse.)

Steven: Thanks man.

Me: Don’t repeat this because I won’t be here to rescue you.

Some months before, there were rumours that a guy had harassed a girl and the school hired cops to beat him up. Just rumours, I think. I ran to Tanya but deep down I knew Steven was proud of what he had done.

Me: Tanya wait up!

She stopped.

Tanya: Yes.

TANYA ROBERTSON (1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora