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Steven: Yes! Begin!

Fredric: I have some papers with me here.

Me: Is it a test?

Fredric: It’s a simple exercise.

Me: Argh.

He distributed the papers. But some of the papers were different so someone had to be brave and tell the man that he is old.

Steven: Sir! I think the papers are different.

Me: Yes.

I was just hoping he was not going to ask how we noticed but if he did ask, I was ready to reply with an “it’s a simple exercise”.

Fredric: Really?

Me: Yes.

Fredric: I must have mixed up the papers. Oh those are actually A’ level papers.

Steven: They are AS paper.

Fredric: Yea, that’s very right. Let me get the correct papers.

Mr Fredric went out and Steven saw this as the best opportunity to criticise the guy. A talk show gossip against the host.

Steven: So, this guy, he is busy giving us exercises but we haven’t even finished the syllabus. Can you believe this guy?

Brian: Let him be.

Me: Maybe he has a plan. He has taught for a long, long time.

Steven: Long time of failing.

Me: Why do you have to say that?

James: Just be quiet and be grateful.

Peter: Yessir.

Steven: Well, when you fail you will be quiet and I will be grateful. Because I won’t fail.

Me: I like your confidence. And I believe in you mate.

Steven: That’s good.

Me: This guy is taking long to bring the stupid papers.

Steven: I bet he is thinking twice about coming back here.

Me: Shhh he is coming.

Steven: be quiet!

Me: Who are you telling to be quiet?

Steven: The others. Not you.

James: You were the one making noise in here.

Fredric: Unfortunately, I couldn’t find the papers so I took another batch.

Steven: Oh that’s great.

Me: It actually is.

Steven: I was being sarcastic.

Me: I don’t even care.

Steven: Well sir should care. I was halfway done with this one.

Me: I doubt that.

Steven: I was on number 3.

John: Well technically you were not halfway. It’s out of 9.

Me: By technically you mean mathematically speaking.

John: Yes.

Me: Then he was done with 33.3% of the exercise.

John: Hmmm.

Me: Don’t doubt me.

Steven: John, nobody asked for yourmathematical opinion. Nobody cares what you think.

TANYA ROBERTSON (1)Where stories live. Discover now