Let's go party!

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Izuku was dreading each day that passed while Mina couldn't wait for the next one to come. 

And then we have Toru who was excited and dreading it at the same time. She didn't know what to do after what she witnessed. 

It was the weekend and all the students were getting ready in their own ways.  

 She was rolling around debating with herself. "I can't just keep, keeping, this to myself." Usually, she would be spilling the tea to Mina but this was something that involved her best friend and because of it she had been struggling to tell her. "But I can't just jump to conclusions about Midoriya and Yao-momo. Agh, I'll just tell Mina what I saw, there that's the end of it." She reaffirmed her decision with a nod, as she left her room. They had plans to get ready together, so it would be the best time to tell her. 

Toru had reached her friend's door, usually, if it was someone else she would have knocked but seeing as it was Mina, she didn't and instead barged in there swing open the door as she yelled out. "Mina, I have something to tell you and it can't wait!"

But before she could say anything she realized she may have stumbled into something private. Uraraka and Mina were sitting next to each other on the bed with Momo sitting on a rolly chair as if the mediator between them. It looked like they had just finished having a strenuous talk, with Momo. All three heads switched their attention from their conversation to Toru.      

"Um, okay Toru, you can tell me..." Mina was the first to reply with concern in her voice. 

Toru was a deer caught in headlights, frozen by their stares. "I... The thing is... It's well, um... I noticed that your horns tend to react to your emotions!" Just blurting out anything that came to mind involving her friend.        

Blink, blink. They were all staring at her with deadpan eyes for having barged in and killing the atmosphere. 

"Yeah, well sometimes when it's raining you cause mini rainbows from your light refractions." 

"Wait, what?" 

"I don't know. I thought we were complimenting each other with an insulting tone." 

"Ugh, whatever. Let's just ignore my thing. What, um, what are you guys doing?" Toru was more than confused at the sight in front of her.  

Momo was the one to speak up. "It's just Uraraka and Ashido have been rather distant as of late, regarding..." Momo didn't quite know how to word it without saying outright.

"What? You guys made up, that's great!" Toru was so shocked she couldn't stop from blurting it out.            

Mina had a grin with Uraraka nodding but Toru noticed that both of them had puffy eyes. 

"Yeah once we started talking we realized how silly we were being." Uraraka chuckled with and sniffle rubbing one of her eyes. 

Mina agreed with her. "Yeah, we wanted to talk to each other but I guess we were both just scared." She then turned to Momo with a giggle. "It was thanks to Yao-momo that we could even attempt it." Actually, Mina was surprised by Momo's action because she still remembers the time Yao-momo invited Izuku to hang out while excluding her.

Momo waved her off politely. "Sometimes, we just need a nudge in the right direction. I know it was meddlesome but I was worried. We're are all friends right?" She clasped her hands together over her lap as she smiled. 

"Yup." Both Mina and Uraraka replied in unison before looking at each other surprised before breaking out into a shared laughter.            

Toru looked at the three of them, confused, not really knowing how to feel. The awkward tension between Mina and Uraraka was lifted but Yao-momo was the one that alleviated it. It was strange seeing Momo act like her usual self after, as if what she saw last night never happened. Toru, honestly didn't know what to make of it and didn't even know if she should tell Mina what happened. 'What Yao-momo said last night was only meant for Midoriya to hear. Besides if she helped her and Uraraka fix things then it's not like she's causing problems or anything like that.' Toru decided to keep what she heard to herself, no harm no foul. But now that she decided to keep quiet about she was determined to find out what happened between Midoriya and Yao-momo even more so now. Even if she doesn't have a big mouth, Toru was a gossip through and through.               

The girls began to get ready for the party together, take up the whole morning and day as if it was for Mina and Uraraka to make up for lost time. 

While all the nice and mushy stuff was happening with the girls Izuku was chilling in his room, barely noticing the time. "Oh, I should get ready." Simply changing out of his lazy clothes into a black collar t-shirt and jeans. And that was a similar process for the rest of the guys.

Izuku and Mina had decided to meet up at the party instead of going together cause that way it would have a more date-like feeling. At least that's what Mina said, he didn't mind either way. All he knew was that he was not excited about parties but wanted his girlfriend to be happy so it didn't matter. 

He joined up with Todoroki and Iida, the three of them heading to the party together. Kirishima had gone with Bakugo. On the train ride, Midoriya got a text from the group chat, it was a picture of Kaminari and Mineta with alcohol, signaling that they scored some booze. 

"We're supposed to be heroes. Why are we acting like teenagers?" Izuku cringed as he stared at his phone's screen.                   

"We are teenagers." Todoroki replied, he was next to Izuku, also staring at his phone. They then both realized it was sent to everyone and glanced over Iida. 

He was staring at his phone just like them except he was frozen with his jaw dropped and eyes wide. 

"Oh, great Iida.exe. stopped working and we're not even at the party yet."  

"That's how you know it's going to be good." 

"Todoroki, no." 

Yup, Izuku was not looking forward to this.     

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