
"Please, I just want to make sure he's okay."


Smiling, I took a seat across the table and watched Lorenzo eat the pancakes I made.

"Did you put coke on these?" He stuffed his mouth with the food, making me sigh in relief that he was finally eating.

"Yeah, I made sure to snort a whole bunch too."

"Catalina," he said sternly, letting me know he wasn't playing around.

"It's powdered sugar," I sighed in defeat. He was being no fun.

Sad face.

"Stop frowning." I didn't stop frowning. Instead, I deepened my frown and thought about dying puppies, making tears well up in my eyes. Poor pups.

Keeping my head down when I saw his feet below me that were clad in fluffy panda socks, I put my own feet that were covered in panda socks over his. Marco bought them for me to apologize for hurting my brother and I made Lorenzo wear them so that we could match. Twins.

"Look at me."

Finding myself obliging with no thought to it, I watched Lorenzo's eyes visibly soften when he saw my face.

"I've had a bad day, and I know that's no excuse to be cold but fuck, i'm trying." He's opening up. I need to write this down in his notes since we basically share a phone.

"It's all good, I promise. Please don't worry about it. I was just thinking about puppies dying and man it's sad. If you ever need to cry, just think about it. Horrifying." I shuddered at the thought of a puppy-



Shaking his head, Lorenzo put his plate in the sink and began to wash it. He said he didn't trust hiring maids and he preferred to do things alone since he had working hands and legs.

"Have you killed anyone recently? Like anyone bad? Y'know, brutha, you're basically a superhero. That's epic. Can I be your sidekick? Please, I promise i'll just watch you do the killing while I eat chip-"

"Don't fucking call me that," he snapped, pushing his hair back so that it set messily on his head. So messy it's perfect.

I guess I accidentally overstepped my boundaries today. It's my fault, I should have know that my rambling would annoy him, especially when he's had a bad day.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you angry." Anytime someone gets angry, i've learned to know that it's always my fault.

"Whore!" He pushed my head in the bathtub that was filled to the brim with water.

"Your school called me," he yelled, pulling my head out of the water. I used this as an opportunity to take in a deep intake of air.

Pushing my head back under the water, he continued his yelling, "You sleep in all your classes!"

I fought against his dirty hands, trying my best to stop my sobbing under water so that I didn't accidentally inhale water.

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