Pre-Dinner Practice

Start from the beginning

"Shut up would you? I don't need the extra criticism." He says coldly freezing in place for a second due to his own Commandment, making him growl in anger again as he runs a gloved hand through his hair. You sigh and roll your eyes at him, "God, your such a baby." You comment, as you hop off Exley's back and walk in front of Drole to see better. "What!?" He seethes, while glaring over at you. Exley growls at him but you put your hand up silencing him, before pointing to the ground, making Exley sit obediently beside Drole's knee. Estarossa, Drole, and Gloxinia were slightly shocked at this, "Do. It. Again. Don't be a bitch Estarossa." You snap making his shocked look go to a slight glare again.

You stand there, arms crossed, staring at him waiting as he looks to Gloxinia and Drole who just shrug at him. He sighs and dose as you say, trying to draw out a strand of darkness to slice through a huge solid rock before him. You watch his form carefully as he moves his darkness. It moves as he wants but as it flys into the side of the boulder and just dissipates again making him growl. "See! No matter what the hell I do, it never fucking works! I don't understand! It should be easy..." He says loudly at first, but trails off as he looks down almost ashamed. You furrow your brows, "Well of course it didn't work." You say simply making him snap his head up at you.

"What do you mean?" He asks eyeing you suspiciously. "Well for starters, that form, awful." You say as you drop your arms and wave off the idea of his awful form while you walk up to him. "Yeah? Well what do you know?" He asks glaring down at you now. You roll your eyes before twisting to the side and letting a strand of darkness out that slices through the rock like butter. You pull it back to you and Estarossa laughs at the fact that the rock was still whole looking. "That what I-" he starts only to be cut off as the top of the rock starts to slide to the left before busting into pieces on the ground. He stares at it dumbfounded, "You we're saying?" You question sarcastically still staring up at him. He looks back down at you speechless, "That's what I thought. Now, are you gonna be an asshat or are you gonna zip it and let me teach you?" You question him, making him sigh with an eye roll.

"Good luck teaching him. I heard he's un-teachable." Melasulas voice rings out suddenly, making Estarossa look down and away with pain in his eyes. You roll your eyes shut at her voice before turning around sharply, "Hey! Garden snake!" You yell making her glare down at you as she floats beside Drole's head, "Yeah you! Zip it or I'm getting a shovel!" You threaten, making her hiss at you before turning sharply and leaving just as soon as she got in there. You sarcastically kiss the air after her making Gloxinia chuckle at you, "You really don't take any shit do you?" The fairy asks amused by you. "No not really." you say back to him before turning back to Estarossa still shocked that you stood up for him.

You snap in front of his face, "Hey, stance! Pay attention." You say and he just nods getting into position. "Alright move like you would but without the darkness first." You say and he dose making you nod. "Alright look, your not pivoting your foot enough.. and widen your stance." You say as you walk behind him and kick his foot out a little more widening his stand. He dose it again almost perfect, "Good, one more time but, square your shoulders more so your elbows stay at the right angle." You say as you move his shoulders to where they should lock firmly. "Again." You say as you step to the side. He goes through the movements concentrating on his stance, keeping it where you said. "Perfect, now with your darkness." You say as you snap your fingers, making the rock become whole again much to all their surprise.

"How'd you do that?" Gloxinia asks making you grin at him. "Giants magic." You say making Droles eye widen at you as he stares down at you. "Granted it took me 500 years to master it, so power to you giants who mastered it in 10 years." You add making Gloxinia look to Drole stunned as he just shrugs, because it made since to the former giant king. You turn back to Estarossa who's staring at the rock worried, "What if it doesn't work?" He asks with a genuine worried voice not looking at you. "It will. Remember, the darkness is apart of you so you control it. Think of it as the sharpest edge as well as the hardest steel, then strike." You say as you step back from him.

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