^_# At Dinner #_^

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Titanic and Carpathia walked down the the dining room, They saw Hawke and Nantucket sitting at a table there, Hawke noticed them looking at him and Nantucket, Nantucket turned around with a confused look on his face, then he saw Carpathia and Titanic, both Hawke and Nantucket waved at them, Carpathia and Titanic waved back.

Carpathia and Titanic were leaded to a table and were waiting for their food, they talked a little then their food came and they were given their food, they quickly ate the food and left for the the top deck

They came out and its was 7:00 P.M., so that means it was sunset, Titanic asked Carpathia if she wanted to watch the sunset and Carpathia happily agreed.

Titanic x Carpathia because its my OTPWhere stories live. Discover now