*-+On The Ship+-*

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Titanic stood on the deck of her ship, "what a lovely day it is" she said.

Then Carpathia walked up to Titanic and gave her some tea, "here you go Titanic! Olympic said I should give you tea so i made some tea just for you!"

"Awww! That's sweet! thank you!" said Titanic, Titanic started to drink the tea and realized how good Carpathia was at making tea, "This is amazing Carpathia, who knew the best tea i would get would be from you? heh.."

Carpathia blushed and said thank you in a quiet voice, then she saw Hawke walk on the deck then look down at the beautiful blue water, then he took a breathe then walked away, both Carpathia and Titanic knew he was sea sick, Titanic invited Carpathia do the cabin where her and her sisters Olympic, and Britannic were staying in on the ship, she saw Britannic leave the cabin as soon as her and Carpathia walked in, and Olympic was nowhere to be seen, Carpathia asked where Olympic was, and Titanic said that she was eating lunch with Imperator.

Carpathia was almost amazed by how the cabin looked, "wow.. you guys are sure really fancy" said Carpathia, Titanic giggled, "yea we are, we are actually the richest class of this time!" she said as she flopped herself on her bed.

A few hours later Olympic came back, the beautiful blonde with black, white, and blue hair woman stood in the doorway, she walked in and just got herself comfy in bed, then she fell asleep.

Carpathia looked at Olympic for a second, she looked at her green dress with a flower in her hair, Carpathia smiled and looked away, Titanic helped Olympic get a little bit more comfy by putting her in pajamas then helping her find a more comfy spot.

she was amazed at how good of a sister Titanic is, this was one of many reasons why she liked Titanic!, after Titanic was finished she asked Carpathia if she wanted to go eat dinner at the dining room, the black and red hair woman (Carpathia) couldn't deny!

Titanic x Carpathia because its my OTPWhere stories live. Discover now