First Words

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You had not realized that all of the Knights of Ren would be visiting at the same time. You were quite the mother hen, which resulted in Kylo seizing you gently and dragging you away. It wasn't your fault that you did not approve of the way they were cradling Revan. Even if technically it was an appropriate way of handling a baby, it did not mean you had to put up with it. You swatted away Ren's hands and made your way towards the Knights once more. Two of them moved aside to allow you an easier time of getting to your child. The Knight that was holding her seemed shocked that you would even dare to adjust his grip, especially when you were having physical contact with him to do so. He looked away from both you and Revan, his gaze on Kylo.

"He's fine. Stop worrying." You glanced over your shoulder at the man then turned back to his comrade. "Take a step back." You obeyed immediately. Then, scowling, you whipped around in his direction. "She's fine."

"Don't you use the Force on me like that!" His bemused expression had you irritated yet calming down a little as well. It spoke volumes; deep down, you knew it was not as though Kylo Ren would allow his child to be in any sort of danger. "She's just been fussy lately. I worry."

"A sensitive stomach," the Force user said dismissively. Once more, he was right. The physicians were still considering having her on a special formula to help with the issue, and you were, more and more, leaning towards that decision.

Deciding that it would be best to remove yourself from the room, you headed for the kitchen to prepare some food. Captain Phasma had alerted you earlier that she would be dropping in within an hour. Snoke had seen Revan the previous day; he was ever interested in the promise she held. The child of Kylo Ren, who was his greatest pupil. You were loyal to the First Order, to the Supreme Leader, however you did not want to lose your child in any capacity. You sighed, dragged out a few containers, and started to prepare the snacks.

I won't let anything happen.

You relaxed further at the sound of Kylo's voice in your head. You knew the pros of Snoke teaching Revan. If she did become as strong with the Force as both Supreme Leader and Kylo suspected, she would need a good teacher.

I know, you told him through your bond. My motherly instincts just have me worrying all the time.

And yet you'd marry her off to a child of General Hux.

We would have the most gorgeous grandchildren ever.

He had no response for that, and you smiled smugly despite the fact that you were alone. It was not often you got the last word in when it came to any sort of argument with Kylo. That left you feeling rather accomplished. You placed the containers of food onto a tray, lifted it, and carried it to the other room. Revan was in her father's arms, which had your smile turning into something more tender. Two of the Knights immediately went for the food. They had removed their helmets, and you spared a few seconds to stare at their faces.

Kylo looked towards the door. You blinked, feeling the presence of someone approaching. It was amazing how much more you were experiencing now that you had resumed training. You walked to the door, opening it to allow Captain Phasma entrance. You paused, bit the insides of your cheeks to keep from grinning, and waited as both she and General Hux came inside. Your eyes took in the man's facial features. He really needed to have a son. You ducked, catching Ren's frown.



This only reaffirmed your desire to have Hux impregnate someone. But who, you wondered. Who would make a nice looking baby to-

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