Just Chill

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It had been quite some time since you had had a relationship wherein the man you were with spent the night. Cuddling was something you had the urge to do once in a while, however you did very much enjoy having your own space. Despite this, you slipped into bed beside Kylo Ren, who shifted further towards the wall. You glanced his way. The both of you were at a loss for what to do. You, being the one with more experience, decided to take the lead. You slipped your arm across his chest, cuddling against his side. The man tensed. You could feel him watching you. He awkwardly moved his hand about before at last resting it against your hip.

You closed your eyes and attempted to clear all your racing thoughts. You would worry about moving in with him tomorrow. For the time being, you needed some rest. You were unsure how long it took you to fall asleep. Partway into the night, however, you awoke due to the need to use the restroom. You disentangled your legs from his, which roused him. Kylo Ren breathed in deeply as he removed his arm from around you. You moved off the bed, went to the bathroom, and returned a little while later. You hesitated at the side of your bed.

Though you could not see him quite clearly in the darkness, you were able to discern that he was again staring up at the ceiling. One of his legs was bent at the knee, and he was rocking it a little from side to side. When he saw you beside the bed, however, he stopped. Kylo Ren turned his head and regarded you as you lifted the blanket and slipped into bed with him. Before you could cuddle against him, he rolled onto his side with his back to you. Your heart hiccupped in your chest.

"Do... Do you want me to sleep on the floor?" He turned around so fast that you jerked backwards a little in shock. "I just...don't want you to be uncomfortable."

"Do you believe I would be an unsatisfactory roommate?"

You sighed, pressing forward until your pajama-clad body was flush with his naked form. "Any roommate is my issue. Their things get all over your things. Shared responsibilities. You have no true private space. Like, if you're using the bathroom and they need something in there, then suddenly you're not alone in the bathroom anymore. Your bedroom. Somehow their shit gets there too. If your roommate fucks up then suddenly it's your issue too. They're stressed, you have to listen to them complaining. And there's no escaping it.

"I've dated, and having some contact... At least afterwards I can go to my quarters and be alone. Relax. Have only me to worry about. I mean, do you know how stressful it can be to have to worry about someone else nonstop? I would have to... During training, I practically lived in the gym just to stay away from my roommate. Stayed in shape. Went running. Broke a few training dummies. Then started doing janitorial work. Supervisor realized I was calmer when I was alone so I got put into these quarters where I have my own space. Do some reading. Have some nice peace and quiet. One night stands can be great, you know?"

You fell silent. Kylo Ren had made a noise that sounded quite like confusion. Of course he wouldn't know. You were the only one he had had sex with. And the two of you hadn't made it to the 'quit it' portion of the 'hit it and quit it' routine. You sucked your lips into your mouth and pressed your teeth against them. You then reached down, removing your pants and your pajama top. Kylo Ren watched you as you began running your hands along his body.

"You want me to leave right now?" he asked, his tone serious rather than malicious.

You groaned, bringing your hands to your face. "No... No, I just... Do you want to have sex?"

"...and then leave?"

"I'm not trying to have a one-night stand with you," you said with another sigh. "The only thing that's freaking me out is us actually living together. You can stay the night..." While you were speaking, you had trailed a hand between his legs and started to pump his cock. He rolled onto his back, allowing you to straddle his hips.

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