Fast Moving

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Though you were supposed to be eavesdropping on the tables around you, you could not help but be distracted by your date. He was picking at the breadsticks that had been delivered to the table. They had some butter on them and what looked to be a seasoning as well. The latter was what the disguised Kylo Ren was picking off. You wondered momentarily if there was hair on the food, however found evidence of none. You glanced towards a booth that was diagonal from your position. There were three men seated there, apparently hanging out and joking about—well, something or another; you could not hear everything they were saying. You straightened a little when the waitress came by. Matt shifted in his seat, stating that the two of you needed more time to look over the menu. When offered some wine to taste, he hesitated. His eyes darted to you then the menu. No doubt he was trying to figure out how to blend in.

"S-sure," he said. The waitress nodded, saying that she would be right back with the flavor of the day. "So..."

"Uhm..." The awkward part of a first date; you had not experienced it in quite some time, and likely the man across from you had never been through it. "What exactly should I know, trying to listen for."

"There may be an employee who..." He paused when the waitress returned, pouring the wine sample in each of your cups. You and Matt awkwardly raised the glasses to your lips, took a taste, and smiled—well, you smiled at the waitress while Matt stared at her without blinking. "This is fine."

"Of course, sir," the waitress said, pouring more into each of your glasses. "Excellent choice. I'll give you some time to look over your menu, and will be back in a few minutes."

Only when she was gone did Matt return to answering your question. "There may be an employee who is on friendly terms with a member of the Resistance."

"So...there's a chance that they're spying... No information about Starkiller has been leaked yet, has it?"

"Not to my knowledge. However, there was a recent shipment of officers and technicians to this base who have never been here before." You nodded, realizing that you were supposed to be looking for less familiar faces. The last new shipment had been roughly four months ago. Technicians would have limited privileges when it came to technology and communication until they finished their training. Officers, depending upon where in the base they were stationed, would have more chances of sending messages to ships.

Nodding, you watched as your date picked up his menu and began to flip through it. You decided to do likewise. Your eyes scanned over the selections. You did not know what to order, what you were even hungry for. You tapped your foot a little underneath the table then stopped. If someone looked over they would believe you were not having a good time. Which reminded you that you wanted to make this be a really good experience for Matt-slash-Kylo-Ren.

"They have an interesting selection here," you said, unable to think of anything else to say. Matt grunted a bit yet said nothing. You glanced up over the rim of the menu and found that he was almost glaring at his menu. "Have you ever been here?"

"No." A clipped answer, which made you feel even more awkward. He was almost pouting, growing more and more flustered.

"Do you want to blind order?" He looked up at you, a questioning look on his face. "You know, like, uhm... Close your eyes and point to an item at random. Whatever you touch, that's what you order. I'll do it too. Then we can try a bit of each other's food to see if it's any good. I've never been here before, so... Well, I mean, we don't have to." You were starting to ramble, however could not stop yourself.

Matt looked down at his menu then back up at you. "Alright."

You each did as you had suggested. When the waitress came, you told her your order and Matt did so as well. She smiled at you, took the two menus from the table, and walked away. A blanket of silence descended on the two of you. You could tell that the faux radar technician was attempting to listen in on the various conversations taking place in the restaurant. You watched him, reaching for your glass of wine and sipping the liquid. You wondered if he did this when he was wearing his helmet. Listen to people, watch them without them realizing it. In a way, it was almost cute.

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