Formed Bond

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After a time, you had risen from his bed and made your way across the hall to your room. Pulling on some pajamas, you climbed under your covers and willed yourself to sleep. You were exhausted physically from the sex, which was why you had practically been crawling a moment ago; Kylo Ren had watched your every move across the length of the floor. He probably had a great view of your ass, so you couldn't blame him. You were mentally exhausted after realizing that yes, you were attracted to certain aspects of Kylo Ren's personality. You were attracted to Kylo Ren, you realized again then buried your face in your pillow. You groaned, sighed, and promptly passed out.

In the morning, Kylo Ren had already left by the time you awoke. You knew this to be due to the fact that he had to do his tasks as Commander so that he could continue going undercover as Matt throughout the workday. You picked up your holopad after dressing. Kylo Ren had sent you a list of the potential spies. He had also given you a task. You read over it again. One of the potentials was a female, and so he wanted you to go bond with her over coffee. This was going to be weird, to say the least.

You pulled up the other attachment Kylo Ren had sent your way, which was the woman's schedule. You felt a bit like a stalker, however knew it was for the good of the First Order. You glanced over her name again. A technician, Taye. You headed out of your quarters after doing what you could to memorize her schedule and then attempted to make your path cross with hers. It did not happen until close to lunch. She eyed you strangely as you introduced yourself. Perhaps due to the fact that you knew her name yet she had never even seen you before.

"Uhm, sorry," you said, waving a hand in front of yourself. "My boyfriend, he's a technician. Maybe your paths have crossed? Matt."

"Oh. Yeah. I've seen him a few times," she said, nodding.

You nodded in return, shuffling a bit. "There aren't a whole lot of females in this profession on Starkiller. I was wondering if I could pick your brain over a cup of coffee. Trying to understand more about what Matt does and all. He seems passionate about work."

"Huh. Sure. Yeah, I could use some coffee. It's been a slow day," she commented, tucking her hands into her pockets. The two of you headed over to the cafeteria together. You paid for her coffee, which was one of the more expensive cappuccinos. It was for the sake of discovering if she was a spy. "So, how long have you been dating?"

"About two weeks," you said, thinking back to the first time you had pulled him into the closet. That's the timeline the two of you had agreed upon.

Taye nodded, releasing a breath that sounded quite like a sigh of relief. You watched her, confused by this. She shook her head, nervously fiddling with her cup. "When he first started working here... I mean, it is the blonde-haired Matt, right?"


"Zack," she said, referring to an Officer that the disguised Kylo Ren often hung around. "On the second night that Matt was working here, Zack suggested that a few of us technicians all go out. Get the newcomers to get to know one another. I tried so hard to hook up with him. After a few drinks, I managed to get him to make-out with me, but... How did you get him? He's hot."

I'm not jealous and pissed, I'm not. Sooooo not jealous and pissed. I hope she's the fucking spy so she can be—no! No! No jealousy!

"I... I don't know. We sort of...connected one day," you said, twirling your cup around in a circle. "He made out with you?"

She nodded, took a sip of her coffee, and replaced her cup on the table. "It's not... I mean, you two weren't together at the time. It's not weird, is it?"

Fate despised you. Directly after Taye had asked that, who would come into the cafeteria? Matt and Zack, of course. The disguised Kylo Ren picked up a tray as he followed the officer. The two of them got some food then headed towards the tables. You snapped your fingers at Matt, who paused and blinked. Glowering, you gestured at the seat beside you. He slunk into it, watching you with some caution. Zack, meanwhile, sat beside Taye. He looked from Matt to you then back. You wondered if he suspected Matt was actually Kylo Ren with the surprise that was written all over his face.

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