Multiple Developments

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"This is why we can't have nice things," you said drunkenly, looking at the shattered glass on the table. Luckily people took Matt's breaking the glass against the table as an overenthusiastic attempt at setting it down in his current drunken state. He had not drank enough, however, to have lost that much control. The awkward new officer was practically frothing out of the mouth as he fangasmed over General Hux, and the disguised Kylo Ren was having none of that; he was bored with the topic, yet the man, Lemmings, was not receptive to a change in subject. Matt glanced your way after your retort. You were busily wetting a napkin and using it to pick up the tiny shards of glass.

"Just do your job," he muttered, reaching across you to grab up your glass, which was still half full. He drained the contents, slouching. You shot him a look. The janitor for the bar came over and finished cleaning up the mess. You could not believe—yes you could—that the man had taken a shot at the fact that you were part of his personal clean up crew. Matt turned back to Lemmings. "He practices his speeches in the bathroom mirror and likes to hear himself talk."

"Maybe so, but the passion! I feel so...inspired!" Lemmings slurred out. The more he drank, the more he opened up...about General Hux.

Well, you thought, It seems Kylo Ren's biggest fan, Matt, has met General Hux's biggest fan, Lemmings.

You squinted, trying to make sure this wasn't Hux in disguise. That would be too rich. Alas, Lemmings was just Lemmings. Which meant you had to make the disguised Kylo Ren feel less as though he wasn't worthy of praise. You, his newest—and biggest, damn it!—fan needed to ensure that he did not feel the need to explain why Kylo Ren was so much better than General Hux. When it came down to it, they were both great leaders in their own right. They simply had their own methods.

"Yeah, well, have you seen Kylo Ren twirl his lightsaber?" you asked. You blinked, realizing exactly how like 'Matt' you sounded. Fantastic. Emry, Koviak, and Evans all released a groan. Matt smirked at your side, looking rather pleased. "He has really skilled hands."

"Have you seen General Hux with his blaster? They had a video on it. His aim is impeccable."

"Have you seen Kylo Ren stop a blaster shot mid-air? Such control." Across from you, Evans was reaching for the bowl of chips. He plucked out one, munching on it as he watched you. Lemmings mentioned how piercing General Hux's eyes were. They were, you had to admit. He had nice eyes. And yet... "I hear Kylo Ren has the best face ever."

"Wow... Just... Wow..." Emry said, no doubt remembering when Matt had told her the same thing. "So Matt's convinced you, huh?" You nodded, not missing a beat. Oh, boy, had he convinced you. Koviak ordered another round of drinks. He then turned, kissing his girlfriend's cheek.

Lemmings was eyeing you without speaking. He seemed as though he did not know exactly how to respond to that. You, feeling rather competitive—it was Kylo Ren's sentiments filling you through your bond with him—decided to take an extra turn. "A friend of Matt's saw him in the shower. He said that Kylo Ren was shredded. An eight pack." You thought of those naked abs of his and licked your lips. Evans rested his forehead in his hand.

"Isn't... Don't you get in trouble for...speaking about your superiors like that? I mean... We don't get in trouble for it?" He seemed to have sobered a little in his worry.

"I hear Kylo Ren likes it," you said, giggling a little. The new drinks were brought to the table. You picked up yours, taking a sip immediately.

"Exactly," Matt piped up. He rubbed his thighs with his hands. Then, resting an arm against the table carefully so as to not flip it, he leaned closer towards Lemmings by a fraction. "What do you think of Kylo Ren?"

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