"I have Eve there as well. She quick with her blade. You be safe with me there, and I want you and your sister to see each other again. Would you come now?" Y/n persist. Winter sigh before nodding her head. "Sure. It would be good to see her again." Winter said with a small smile.

The two began to walk to the dock where Eve was working on the bullhead. She soon spot Y/n and Winter walking to her. "Oh, Y/n. What brings you two here?" She ask. "We are heading to the Schnee Manor. Come with us and yet me introduce you to Weiss." Y/n said with a smile.

"Okay." Eve said as the three walk inside and get ready. Y/n sat down and think to himself about his time with Weiss.


He was walking around Vale with Weiss, holding hands. "What are we doing here?" Y/n ask as Weiss just look at him. "Just walking around." Weiss replied with a smile.

They walk around. Look at jewelry, weapons, dust, and got a lovely dinner. They walk around the docks and look at the sun set. "Hey Y/n." Weiss ask. "Yeah." Y/n respond as they stare at the setting sun. The pink and orange colors mix with the blueish black sky.

"What do you think of getting more serious with our relationship?" Weiss ask. Y/n widen his eyes and look at Weiss. "What?" "I mean, getting more comfortable with loving each other and showing it around. I mean, the only ones that know that we are dating is Yang and Blake. I think we just need to show it more."

"Weiss, I told you already. I only date someone else for a year, but it was a kid love when I was at Signal." Y/n retort. "I don't know how to love someone else." "That's okay." Weiss said, she hold his hands in hers.

"I will show you. All you have to do, is follow my lead. That is all you need to do. Then after awhile you then know what to do." Weiss said. "Okay. I give it a try. For you." Y/n said with a smile. "That is all I want from my little Ruby. My treasure." Weiss said with her own smile.

They then lean in to kiss, but Y/n was snap out of his thoughts.


Y/n open his eyes and look out the window, they were at the Manor. "You okay." Winter ask him. "Yeah. I was just thinking about my time my Weiss is all." Y/n respond before putting on a large black with red tip cloak over himself as he walk out. "Come on."

The two walk out where Eve was loading a 9mm pistol. She look at Y/n before putting it away in a side holster. "Just in case." She said as Y/n nod his head. The three then walk towards the entrance, Y/n knock.

The door open to reveal a young boy with white hair and blue eyes. "Oh, hello sir. What can I do for you?" the boy ask before looking at Winter. "Oh, sister. You came back." He said in a monotone. "I am here to see Weiss Schnee. That is all. Winter is here with me." Y/n respond to the boy's first question.

"I see. You might want to see Mother first. She is the only one that Weiss allows in her room after her return." The boy said before stepping to the side to allow them in. "The name is Whitley Schnee, Winter and Weiss' younger brother." He bow to them as they walk in.

"I am Y/n Rose. An old friend of Weiss, this is Eve. Where is your mother?" The young Rose ask. "In the garden. Winter should be able to lead you there." Whitley respond. "Of course. Well then let's go......." Before Y/n could finish a loud scream ring out of the manor.

Eve pull out the pistol and pass it to Y/n as the two run upstairs. "Winter stay here!" Y/n command before running down the hall. They look at the many servants looking down one direction, Y/n follow their gazes to see an open door where a loud sob was coming from.

He rush to it and look inside. A tattered and destroyed bedroom with broken furniture and a dirty mess of clothes. In the middle was a woman with white hair and blue clothes. Eve reach the door and pull out her katana as Y/n approach the woman.

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