"That's different-"

"No, it really isn't," Tubbo shook his head and ran a hand over his face with a heavy sigh. "We can't start something petty like this-"

"It's not petty!" Quackity argued, but Tubbo plowed onward as if he hadn't spoken.

"We need to be the bigger person and do what's right," Tubbo finished and crossed his arms over his chest. The suit jacket bunched up awkwardly where his elbows were crossed and he cringed inwardly at the feeling. He made a mental note to change later when he got the chance.

"I still don't see how this benefits us," Fundy interjected before Quackity could launch into another loud argument.

"If we help Dream now, then there is a big possibility of befriending him when he does recover his memories in the future," Tubbo explained patiently and lowered himself into the chair once more.

"He might remember?" Fundy gaped and seemed to flounder for a moment before hurrying to speak again. "Isn't that a bad thing?" The hybrid asked with his ears pinned back in obvious agitation.

"His amnesia is injury based meaning it's a likely possibility as his head heals," Ghostbur pointed out. Fundy flinched at his statement causing the ghost to frown in worry, but he opted to stay quiet.

"As I said before," Tubbo continued with a nod in Ghostbur's direction. "If we help him now, he might be grateful for it in the future, thus helping us form an alliance and avoiding future problems and possible wars," The president explained with minimal hand gestures.

"What do we do 'till then?" Quackity asked with a bitter note to his words. Tubbo took it as the other begrudgingly agreeing with his decision. Tubbo smiled faintly in the older's direction, glad to know he'd always be able to count on the other when he needed him. Tubbo moved his gaze to the transparent figure who was still fiddling with the small stone in his hands.

"Wilbur," The dead man hummed in reply and met Tubbo's blue eyes. "What has Tommy told Dream so far?" Ghostbur seemed to cringe at the question raising a few red flags but Tubbo was patient enough to let the other speak first.

"He hasn't told him much of anything aside from the fact that Dream knows him," Wilbur answered with a small frown. "On our way there I had also told him how he was one of Tommy's main visitors during his exile. He seemed pretty horrified at the idea of Tommy being in exile when Tubbo mentioned it," The floating male recounted the moments while a finger rested on his cheek as he spoke. Quackity scoffed and looked away with an eye-roll. Tubbo hummed to himself and leaned back in his chair once more as he tried to think of their best alternative.

"I suppose, we can try to jog his memory in subtle ways," The young male voiced catching the other's attention again.

"Why not just tell the asshole what he did and get it over with?" Quackity snarked and Tubbo sighed heavily again.

"Big Q..." Tubbo bemoaned and the Hispanic man waved his hand to show he was joking. Tubbo shook his head again with a small smile. "We shouldn't say anything for now," He glanced at Wilbur who was nodding in silent agreement giving Tubbo the confidence he wasn't spewing random ideas from his mouth. "We aren't too sure how he'll react,"

"What do you mean by that?" Fundy asked with a quirked brow and Wilbur leaned forward with a wide grin on his face in answer.

"He's quite nice now," The dead soldier pointed out. "I even scared him when he first saw me," Wilbur laughed and his smile softened to one of fondness. "He seems to care a lot about Tommy as well..." He trailed off and met Tubbo's confused stare.

"Bullshit," Quackity muttered but Wilbur merely nodded in reply and continued.

"Tommy was the one who helped him first, so it makes sense he trusts him the most," Fundy and Quackity both whipped their heads to face the spirit with wide eyes.

"Tommy helped him?" Fundy asked incredulously and Wilbur nodded again eagerly.

"I was a bit surprised myself if I'm honest," The apparition chuckled.

"Tommy said he found he found him collapsed in the forest not far from his campsite," Tubbo intercepted. Fundy's brows furrowed again as his eyes stared hard at the table's surface. Quackity released a hollow chuckle and pressed the heels of his palms into his eyes.

"You're really allowing this, aren't you?" He asked flatly and Tubbo nodded despite him not being to see him.

"Tommy wants to help him too," Wilbur stated and Tubbo nodded again. Quackity sighed and let his hands fall onto the table with a soft knock. His gray eyes met Tubbo's blue ones as he hesitated for a moment before sighing again in defeat.

"Who the hell are we to deny Tommy?" He remarked as a smile spread across his lips. Tubbo felt his body relax and his shoulder's sagged as some of the pressure lessened. Fundy still seemed worried but nodded nonetheless. Tubbo smiled at his two friends and gave a thankful glance to Wilbur who smiled widely in return.

"I'm sure Tommy will be grateful,"


"What does he need from us? We're not even citizens of L'Manburg," George asked with a raised brow. The brit noticed how tense his friend was and frowned in concern. "Sapnap?" He asked causing the taller to flinch and snap back from wherever his mind had taken him.

"I'm not too sure what's about either," Sapnap murmured while rubbing the back of his neck. "Dream was there too," He offered. The ravenette's frown deepened when he noticed George's posture had tensed considerably and his hands had paused in their formerly steady movements above the male's sword. "George?" He called hesitantly and stepped forward toward the shorter. Sapnap knew that things had been pretty strained between the two of them and Dream but this seemed different.

George shakily raised a hand to push his sunglasses up revealing wide eyes that darted towards the other. Sapnap sat down next to the brunette and watched with a worried expression as he continued to stare at him with wide eyes. Sapnap felt his gut drop as he continued to watch his friend struggle for words, beneath that sudden bout of fear, anger bubbled as his mind flew through possibilities of what had caused this kind of reaction from his friend.

"George," The young male called again and gripped the older by his shoulders. George blinked blearily in response but Sapnap took it as a sign that the other had managed to pull himself free from whatever panic he'd gotten caught in. The silent man waited for Sapnap to speak again as the other's dark eyes bore into his own.

Sapnap took a deep breath prompting George to as well before he licked his lips and prepared himself to speak again. He looked his friend in the eye, a steely glint of protective anger igniting them.

"What did he do?"

This chapter wasn't edited yet but I still wanted to post. I'll repost the edited version once it's finished.

Thanks for reading!

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