Chapter 9

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I took a shaky breath in. It seems like the entire universe wanted me to get back with him. The goddamn entire universe.

"Oops" I murmured and then mentally slapped myself, I had to go there.

"Hi" he whispered back, a ghost of a smirk in his face.

I made a mental note to get rid of my tattoo. Up until now, I had told myself keeping the tattoo was keeping a part of my life story. The truth was the tattoo was a way to keep a part of him.

"Seems like we've exchanged roles" murmured Harry, approaching me, eyes focused on me.

I attempted to stare elsewhere, anywhere but his eyes, or his abs, or his legs or between them. Suddenly, the piece of lint on the carpet seemed very interesting, how peculiar of colour, green, like his eyes.

His hand roughly grabbed my face, forcing me to look at him. "Lou" he said, his voice low, "talk to me".

I panicked, my voice gone, my hands were sweating. What was this, I was an adult, not a 17 year old with a stupid crush.

"Idontknowwhattosay" I let out in a high pitched voice that definitely was not mine and I will definitely forget about.

My chest was contracting as I seemed to have forgotten how to breathe.

I pulled my hand through my hair, anything to ease the tension. It seemed to have made thing worse however, as somehow, Harry's eyes darkened even more.

He approached me, getting close enough for me to feel the light breeze of his breath. Our noses centimetres from touching.

He let out a furstrated groan."God Lou. Do you know how hard this has been for me. And then you have to go ahead and look so damn gorgeous all the fucking time."

I bit my lip, trying to suppress my not so innocent thoughts. Harry swearing always seemed to do something to me, sending sparks straight between my legs.

Harry saw the movement, groaned and leaned in. Our mouths met. This was not a sweet loving kiss, this was dangerous, passionate.

Harry kissed me as if he would never kiss me again, as if it was our last. His lips bruising mine, He nipped my lower lip and I let out a moan against his mouth.

I opened my mouth letting our tongues collide. He pushed me against the wall as our mouths fought for dominance.

Pinning my hands to the wall on top of my head he pressed his lips to my neck, making his way down. My head fell to the side as I sighed in pleasure.

His mouth reached the edge of my towel when reality kicked in. This was Harry Styles I was kissing. This was the person who I had sworn to myself to never return to.

He had broken me, and here I was putty in his hands. I pulled my hands from his grip and pushed him back violently.

"What the fuck Harry?" I screamed "What was that."

He stared back at me, his dark hair tousled from my hands. His fingers gingerly touched swollen lips. "I'm so so sorry Lou." He whispered.

"Leave". I ordered, my voice low.

I didn't know whether I was angry at myself, him or the fact that we hadn't finished what we started.

"Leave" I continued "And never do shit like that again.".

His eyes started shining, as if he was going to cry. Let him cry, I told myself, he deserved it.

Walking towards the bathroom, I locked the door, leaving Harry outside. As soon as the door closed, my knees gave out and I fell to the floor.

That kiss was... it was epic. It was everything I had missed and more. I craved his lips. I put my head in my hands. He was messing with me, kissing me like this.

I was just physically attractive to him that's all. Nothing more. Otherwise, I would truly fall apart. This was too much for me.

And then I had been cruel to him. Well he deserved it. I tried to tell myself this but the guilt was eating me up. I should have handled the situation differently, maturely. Talked it out. Or just left. Talking would have been difficult.

I sighed, my thoughts clashing with each other.

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