Chapter 13

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Iggy was the last one awake. When she woke up Freddy and Anders had already broken camp. "Come one Iggy and Anders we need to get going, if we don't get to the spot we need to by night fall it's going to be long and terrible and you might die." Said Freddy. So they started swimming until they got to the sea weed forest.
"Okay every one" Started Freddy, "we are about to go into the sea weed forest as you can very well tell. Stick together and don't die. Now follow me." So they swam into the sea weed forest. They swam for about an hour and a half before they ran into any trouble. The trouble they ran into was an eel. It was an electric eel to be exact.
"Well don't you look tasty?" Said the eel. "Looks like I found my breakfast" The eel swam after them. Iggy swam away and hid behind some sea weed wile Anders and Freddy fought the eel. Iggy heard a loud scream. She peaked out behind the sea weed and saw that Anders had gotten electricuted and was now lying unconsios on the ground wile Freddy still fought vilontley. She watched the fight till the eel was dead. Once the eel droped down to the floor dead Iggy rushed over to help Anders.
"He will live" said Freddy. "We might have to carry him for a while till he wakes up." "Okay" replied Iggy wile starting to pick up Anders. Once Iggy was supporting Anders head and Freddy was holding on to Anders fins they started swimming again. "This will slow us down a lot" said Freddy. "I hope he wakes up soon." "Me too." Said Iggy
After about a half an hour they heard a groan come from Anders. "Hurry get the pain pills out from my pack!" Freddy said while they put Anders down. "Okay" said Iggy while getting the pills out.
They desired to make camp there. It was a good spot and hidden. Once the camp was set up Freddy said "This will take up two extra days to get to the end of the sea weed forest" "okay" sighed Iggy then the drifted of to sleep.

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