Chapter four

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Iggy had a deep interest in finding Fishy. He was never seen after the Bonfire of Sharks. Some say that he killed himself after and others say that he's still alive somewhere. Not many people searched for him. They just accepted the fact that he was gone. But Iggy couldn't accept that fact. She wanted to find out more. She wanted to see shark reef. Shark reef was left to rest after the Bonfire of Sharks. She heard rumors that the ashes still covered the underwater streets and the water is still a light shade of red. There was only one way to find out. She needed to go there herself, but she couldn't do it by herself. She needed someone to help her. "I got it!" Iggy thought to herself. Mick Nickelson lived two anemone houses down from her. He was 14 years old and only 8 months older than Iggy. Mick and Iggy had been best friends since Mick moved down the street when Iggy was 2 years old. Mick was always on the look out for adventure. Most of the fun, adventurous things done in Iggy's life had been done with Mick.
Iggy wanted to leave for shark reef fast. As soon as she got home from school. She emptied out her backpack and filled it with a map, a flashlight, and two cans of fish food which would last for at least a month. She hid the backpack under her bed and ran over to Mick's house. "Mick" Iggy said once she reached his anemone. "You know shark reef?" She asked. "Who doesn't?" He answered. "Well I wanna go there." "When?" He asked. "I was thinking about tomorrow early in the morning. You up for it?" Iggy asked him hoping that he would say yes. "Heck yeah!" He exclaimed. "Yes! Tomorrow at the side of my house, 6:00 sharp." "I'll be there." He said and Iggy ran back to her house filled with joy.
That night Iggy fell asleep quickly so that morning would come fast. When she opened her eyes it was 5:55. She quickly got up threw on her backpack and scribbled a note to her parents.

Dear Mom and Dad,
Don't worry this isn't a suicide note or anything. Just wanted to tell you that I'll be gone for a while but I'll be back. I'm going on an adventure that I've wanted to go on for a while. I brought Mick with me so we'll be going together and we'll be safe. I'll see you soon.

She left the note on her bed and quietly ran outside to the side of her anemone home. A minute later Mick showed up. "Left a note to your parents?" Iggy asked. "Yeah. You?" "Uh huh." Iggy answered and they set off north in the direction of the northern current.
They reached the northern current after five minutes of swimming. It was pretty close to their town. As kids their parents had always told them to stay away from the current and that it would take them away. Most kids believed them and stayed away. But Iggy and Mick had been to the current many times and knew how to easily get back home. They stopped and looked back at the bundle of light pink anemones that they called their home. It would be a little while until they returned. They said their goodbyes to their homes and entered the current. Their journey began.

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