Chapter 9

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When Iggy woke up she saw Anders was not next to her 'where could he be' Iggy thought. Something touched her fin and she screamed. "It's just me" Anders said. "Where did you go??" Iggy asked. "Oh, I just went to steal food for breakfast." "Oh" said Iggy as Anders handed her some food. They ate quickly then continued on there Journey. They swam for another hour without any trouble then but then a big gang of fish came up to them. "So your the one who killed Shanea." Said a dark green fish with a raspy voice. "No that was not me! It was Qui Quii!" She said. "YA shure, you know as they say 'an eye for an eye' or in this situation a life for a life." Said the green fish "back of!" Yelled Anders "don't touch her!!" "Anders you don't scare us!" said a yellow fish. "I'm shure I don't" Anders said rolling his eyes and pulling out the fish hook slowly and sneakily so the bad fish would not see. The yellow fish saw Anders pulling out the fish hook and swam forward and jumped on Anders. Iggy screamed and tackled the fish off of Anders. Iggy and the yellow fish rolled to the ground. Iggy was trying with all her fish might to het the fish off her, that's when a hook went through the yellow fish. Iggy got up as quick as she could to help Anders. When she got up she saw that half the fish were dead and the other half swam away. "Wow, your better then I thought." Said Iggy " Thank you, I guess?" Replied Anders. "We should get going before the fish come back" Iggy and Anders started swimming again. "So tell me about yourself" said Anders. "Well," started Iggy "I am an only child, my last name is Azalea, my best friends name was Mick and," Anders cut her of "was?? What happend?" "Well," said Iggy starting to tear up. "Me and Mick wanted to go on a journey to find sharks reef, so we left and we swam for like an two hours and ran into a wall. We searched for another 3 to find a way we could fit In. We finally found a hole we could go through then saw Zan get tied up by sharks. We saved him and he let us stay over at his house. He helped us get to this tunnel. We swam for a wile and ran into two fish, Pax and Shanea, Pax caught Mick and two fish named Bon and Qui Quii they killed Shanae right after Pax killed Mick. Then Bon, Qui Quii and Zan left me because they did not want to die. I started traveling alone, but then, I found you." Iggy was full on balling now. Anders let Iggy cry into his fin. Once Iggy finally calmed down, Anders said wiping her tears away "it's okay now love, I'm here for you, I always will be." Then Anders stated leaning in...

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