Preston, Hunter go to the outskirts of town towards the west, try to track any scent you can. Elizabeth, Mike take to the river, if they have passed through try to track them on the other side, I already sent trackers down that way. Sasha, Scott stay near the town, but out of sight. Ian, Greg, and Flitch go south. Jacob, Rick, you're with me. He ordered with a dismissal. 

Not wasting any time Hunter and I ran off west, going out of town. A pack of rogues? He linked to me. 

Doesn't seem right. I told him back as I moved with ease through the thick forest. The wind blew making me halt, my nose in the air taking a whiff. And smelling a scent that was defiantly werewolf but not one of ours made me growl. Hunter and I immediately went on faster, my stomach tightening as I realized why I recognized this part of the forest.  

It was right near Dee's house. I have spent many nights roaming this part, sleeping on the ground just outside her house. What happened next took us both by surprise; a sandy colored wolf lunged at us. Hunter, being the first to notice took over, lunging and growling at the intruder. I tensed up, my eyes and ears prickling as I scanned the area, looking for another. 

Seeing the sandy colored wolf focused intently on Hunter I lunged, my teeth latching on to one of his hind legs. He whimpered and turned to bat me away but I pulled back, tearing at his legs. Hunter regrouped and lunged at the wolf's throat. 

I've got it, scan the area. He told me.  

With a nod in his direction I moved forward towards Dee house. I needed to make sure that she was safe. Keeping my eyes and ears alert I ran across the forest grounds with ease, jumping over the rocks and fallen trees. I can still hear the growls and howls a mile away, but I never once blocked my link with Hunter. He kept me informed of what was happening.  

Trotting closer to her house I squatted down once I saw it come into view. My eyes scanning the area. 

She was sitting outside on her porch, a blanket tucked around her and a book lying in her lap. Her brown hair down for once and tangled in front of her face, whipping around in the wind. For once she didn't have her glasses on, I've only seen her two times before this with her glasses off. I loved looking into her grey eyes without the glasses blocking my way. 

She looked up and towards the sounds of the growls, not seeming bothered by them. About to make around the house to make sure nothing was there movement a few yards beside me caught my attention. I was so focused on seeing my mate and making sure she was ok I didn't do a proper scan. 

Hunched over, about to pounce was a large brown wolf, his black eyes focused on Dee. He was just watching her, with those predatory eyes, his teeth showing as his mouth twisted into a snarl. I was in action before he had time to act. I lunged at him, my teeth just grazing his throat.  

He yelped and turned towards me, growling. I hunched over my mouth twisting into my own snarl as I snapped at him. He was smooth with his attack, lunging in no time, but I caught just barely caught him with my paw, swiping him away.  

I lunged, my teeth tearing into his skin, clamping hard on his throat, my claws scrapping his head as he struggled to break out of my hold. Swiping his paw out he scratched my neck, digging into my skin. I yelped not preparing for him to make contact so fast. He threw me off within seconds, lunging on top of me, his teeth snapping and barring towards my own throat. Not wanting him to have the upper hand I snapped back, my claws digging into his throat, his paws, anywhere I could reach as I flipped him off of me.  

Just as I was going to make my move he snarled one last time before sprinting off. I wanted to go after him as much as my wolf did. But my protectiveness over my mate stopped me; in times of battle when your mate was left unprotected she is your first priority if she is unable to fight back. And considering she is human and exposed to the forest and everything in it, I couldn't leave her to chase after the wolf. 

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