"That's so nice" I say

"Well let's take that one then" Alex says and i nod

"Great that's sixty five dollars, would you like to pay the one month insurance fee increase it breaks?" He asks

"No were alright thanks" Alex says instantly and i smirk

"That's alright, I'll get this packed up" he says and i nod

"We made a good choice there, don't you think?" I ask hugging him.

"we did" he says resting his chin on the top of my head.

We've just got the flowers and we have also got Mary some chocolates and we're in the restaurants in the mall.

"God I'm so tired" Alex groans

"I'm used to it, full days like this is where I thrive" i sis

"I bet, but I got up at two because next door was being sick" he says and I cringe

"That loud?" I ask

"Woke the whole house up then everyone was just looking around and talking. I then got told off by Mike for shouting at them and here I am" he says and i laugh

"I would be angry too if I got woken up" i admit.

"So are you excited for bowling? I'm going to lose so hard you won't even have to try" i say and he laughs loudly

"I don't think that's anything to be proud of" he says and i smile

"Or is it?" I say and he just smiles at me

"Your crazy" he says

"But you love me so you have to put up with it" i say

"I do" he says and i smile.

I walk downstairs, Alex has just arrived to take me to Mary's party.

"You look beautiful" he says

"No time for compliments lover boy, still got to get the balloons" i say and he just rolls his eyes smiling

"Have fun" Izzy says

"We will! Oh and say hi to your parents I haven't seen them this week" i say

"I will! And good luck Alex, shes a handful when she's stressed" Izzy says

"I've already gathered that but thanks Izzy" he says

"No problem, now scadazzle" she says on edge.

"Hang on a second, why do you want us gone?" I say

"I don't" she says nervously and the door opens to reveal Ryan and i gasp

"Is this a thing?" I ask

"Lily" Izzy warns, "go"

"Fine" i say

"Hey Ryan" i say smirking

"Lily" he says unsure of what's going on.

"We totally did that" I whisper to Alex

"We did" he whispers back and I take his hand as we walk outside and into his car.

"How does Mary know to be there?" He asks me

"Good question, I told her than we are taking her out for a meal. She's meeting us there at six. It's now five. I told her family and friend to be there at half five. So it takes us fifteen minutes get the balloons which is on the way to the restaurant. Then will take us less than five to put the final decorations up, you've got the cake. Put the cake on the table. Greet the guests, you'll show them to the room. Then by then, Mary will have arrived. She'll walk in, everyone will yell surprise, we all give her, her presents. Happy days" i say

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