Chapter 1- The Return

Start from the beginning

He frowns, looking at me and his eyes turn dark.

"Maybe I was trying to help you grow up. Maybe me leaving helped you in some way. You were always too attached to me. You hung around like a parasite. I could never get a break or take a breath. I was trying to get rid of you, Alex."

"Don't talk to me about being selfish. I could never have friends with you around. You were an antisocial, people scaring friend. Any time someone talked to me you scared them away. You were my only friend." He spits before thinking again for a second.

"I'm sorry your dad left, but you broke my heart too. Where were you when my dad was gone all the time? Where were you when my mom was up all night crying & I had to sleep in my closet to block out the sound?"

"You could've been there for me. Grandma died and you weren't there. Sandy died & you weren't there. Where were you Alex? Where were you?!" He screams and I can see the pain in his eyes.

I never knew Gabe. I didn't know your grandma died. I didn't know that Sandy passed away.

Sandy was Gabe's dog. She was an adorable, little beagle.

My regret for what I didn't do for Gabe is masked by my anger by what he says.

"I never knew any of that, but that doesn't give you the right to say awful things about me. Screw you Gabe! You might be my neighbor, but that means nothing! We don't have to see or talk to each other, ever! Goodbye!" I scream and I turn to run inside, feeling my eyes water.

"Fine! Runaway Alex! I never want to see you again!" He screams and I choke back a sob, throwing myself on my bed.

I surrender myself to my tears as they wrack my body relentlessly, like the ocean waves beating the shore.

I missed him, there's no denying that. I just never knew why he never called. I didn't know and now I regret everything. I regret what I said & I wish I could take it back.

I wish I could go back in time & comfort Gabe when he had needed me. Maybe he would've stayed. Maybe things would be different now. Maybe I'd be laughing with him instead of crying alone.

If only I had noticed when he was in pain.

But I hadn't noticed. I was the selfish one. Everything Gabe said was true. I scared people away. I wanted Gabe all to myself. I was an awful person. I cared about him & I ignored him all the same. I was a terrible person.


The next day I can barely convince myself to get out of bed.

I just feel drained.

After a lot of convincing, I hoist myself up & drag myself to the shower. I'm not sure what it does to me. When I step out I'm energized & refreshed.

Yes I'm still sad, but it's a gorgeous day.

The temperature is around a scorching, 97 so I decide it's the perfect time to utilize the pool. Plus I know a few people that'll love the chance to hang out.

I speed dial my favorite person and she answers within seconds.

"Ally? What's up? It's 10:40 and its summer, no normal human being is awake at this time." She states, her voice heavily covered with sleep.

Of course she's still sleeping. During summer Sarah never gets up before noon. She says it's her Golden Rule or something.

But I'm always up by 10:30. I dunno. It's like I have an internal clock or something.

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