Chapter 10

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Denia blinked. Her eyes staring dumbly at the oldest male member of their pack. She heard the words but they made no sense to her. She distinctly remembered everything up until her submission to unconsciousness.

"I passed out" She informed Jay. "I didn't finish the race," She further explained. At the beginning, they said that there would be three stages. She didn't even complete the first. She was ashamed to admit it after all the hot air she'd blown but the truth could not be rewriting just because she didn't like it.

"I didn't even qualify for the second stage of the selection" Denia slightly strengthened her hold on the twins who were still clinging to her side as she aired out her shame.

"Everything will be explained soon." Gemma spoke from behind her, Denia turned and met with the older woman's ever present smile. "Eat first, I've already called for a council meeting. They'll be here soon, so fill your stomach will you have the chance" Gemma suggested.

Denia frowned. There was so much she wanted to say. So much she needed to know. So much she didn't understand.

"The food is really delicious" Lola voiced from her right. Lilly nodded her head energetically against Denia's left side. "Realy really tasty" She added, seconding her sister's statement.

The frown on Denia's face melted away as she looked down at her sisters. At the mention of food, her stomach silently twisted, calling to be filled.

Still the young alpha glanced at the now distant Gemma. She couldn't help the feeling of distrust she had towards that woman.

Infact, now that everything she thought had been denied and no explanation was giving to take its place. Denia was on high alert.

She found everything suspicious.

Even after being led to the table by the twins and offered a hot bowl of stew by her brother. Denia still hesitated. But a gentle smile hid away her deep seeded doubt. In the end, she ate the offered food.

But only because her siblings were already halfway through their own bowls. If it turned out to be poison, she would rather perish along with them.

But if toxins tasted so good, then risk of death was one she was willing to take.

She finished her bowl in record time.

The twins laughed, Tony teased her as he pushed his own unfinished bowl infront of her.

"I'm still full from this morning!" Was what he claimmed when she first refused to eat his share.

It was then that Denia began collecting information from her siblings. However, even if Tony was now technically an adult, he was still viewed as a child by their pack thus the information they gave was not much.

Turns out, two days after the girls left, which should be around the time Denia' passed out. A group of well dressed warriors arrived at their campsite.

"He was this tall" lolla insisted on the leader's height. Her eyes shined like stars. It would seem that she had been thoroughly impressed by the leader of the group.

The adults talked for a short time, then they began packing up their things which were then placed on the backs of horse pulled carriages.

The journey of two days was cut in half due to this means of transportations along with the use of the official road which their pack tended to avoid.

Later that night, they arrived at this very building and met up with Tina, Sofie and Jenna.

"Noone would tell us where you were" Lilly pouted her lips, her big brown eyes damp with unshed tears.

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