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Mrs Carter instantly made eye contact with Lana sat at the front beside Riz, giving her a sorry look which left Lana thinking what this had to do with her.

"I'm really sorry to bring you all out of your lessons but erm, there's something i need to tell you all face to face, and not over social media."

"As you all know Nasreen Piracha and Missy Booth were involved in a car accident," Mrs Carter began. That's when people started to worry. Lana's hands began sweating, her knee bouncing, realising she hadn't heard off neither Nas or Missy for a few hours, but surely that didn't mean anything, "and erm, i'm just so sorry to have to tell you that Missy Booth passed away earlier today."

A surreal sense took over Lana. The sound around her sounded like it was miles away, when the shocked gasps from her schoolmates were only either side of her. Her expression felt like nothingness.

All she knew was Riz instantly pulling her into him as he stroked her hair, whispering reassuring nothings into her ear, her head on his chest. She broke, floods and floods of tears frantically escaping her eyes.

The room had erupted in gasps, a few close friends of Missy running out the hall, claiming it could not be true. But it very much was, Missy was gone.

"I know, i know it's a huge shock to you all, Missy was a much loved member of our school family, she will be missed, she'll be missed a lot" Mrs Carter finished, before crouching down to Lana, her hand resting on her shoulder taking in the state the girl was in.

"Riz, take her outside" she spoke softly, before walking away.

Lana was completely numb at this point, she could barely feel Riz's arms around her as he took her out of the hall and down the corridor. Her back hit the locker as she slumped down it, Riz following her.

Lana stared forward, not speaking a word.

"I'm gonna call Cory, ayt? he'll come pick you up."

"Come with me" Lana squeezed out, barely audible.

"I'll be straight there after school okay?"

"Thank you" Lana whispered, a few loose tears flowing from her eyes.


As Lana got home, she noticed Nas waiting outside.

Lana's mouth felt was dry and her throat was clenched from the shock. She climbed carefully out the car, Cory running to her side to aid her, grabbing her hand, drawing small circles on it to calm her.

"Nas" Lana whimpered, grabbing her hand with her spare one and pulling her into a really really tight hug.

"I'm so, so sorry" Nas whispered into her hair.

Lana just nodded, hugging the girl even harder.

"Are, are you alright?" she stuttered.

"I'm fine," Nas began looking down, "should've been me though"

"No, it shouldn't," Lana shook her head, bursting into tears again, "do you want to come in?" she gestured to the house.

"I would but i need to go home"

"I understand"

"I'm gonna kill him, Lana, seriously i am gonna kill him" and with that, Nas had strode off, she looked like she was out for blood. She was out for blood. Lana didn't care though. The man deserved whatever he had coming for him.


Lana had been in bed for hours. She hadn't been sleeping, just staring at the blank wall, her head full of everything and nothing.

It was getting dark outside as Cory knocked softly on the door, opening it.

"Hey," he whispered gently, perching on the edge of her bed, "do you want anything? food? a drink?" he asked.

Lana just shook her head. Not drawing her attention away from the wall.

"Are you sure, Lana we're worried about you."

She shook her head again.

"Ayt, well there's someone here too see you" he announced, as the door opened wider, revealing Riz in a tracksuit with a bag.

Lana finally turned to face them, a small smile tugging at her lips as Riz dumped the bag and slid under the covers beside her, Cory excusing himself.

"How're you feeling?" he whispered into her hair, as he placed both his arms around her waist, pulling her into him.

Lana didn't answer. Half because she forgot he had even asked as the sudden warmth and comfort from Riz felt like a foreign feeling from what she'd felt that day,and half because she didn't have an answer.

"It's gonna be okay" he whispered, running his fingers through her hair, before tracing them down her back.

"I love you" was the last thing Lana could remember before she drifted off.

𝑰𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆, 𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒍𝒆𝒚 𝒃𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒈𝒆😈Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora