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Integration. That was Ackley Bridge's number one aim. Sure, there was some integration, just probably not the type they were hoping for.


Lana hated mornings. If there were one thing she could avoid it would be early mornings. Just the thought of having to pull herself from the soft, warm sheets of her bed that clung to her body perfectly felt criminal. In fact, she debated staying in bed instead of moving altogether. That was until she heard Mrs Piracha calling her name from outside her window.

"Lana, get ready quick you don't want to be late eh?"

As reality kicked in, a deep groan left Lana's lips as she kicked her feet over her bed and waved to Mrs Piracha with a slight smile, trying but failing to hold back a yawn sounding almost identical to a baby bear.

After brushing her teeth, getting dressed and putting on her makeup she skipped down the stairs eating a piece of toast with jam. She swung her handbag over her shoulder and left the house.

As she walked to the end of her drive, she saw Missy and Nas smiling weakly at her.

"Are you... hungover?" Lana scoffed holding back a laugh as she analysed their pale faces.

"Yes, yes we are but i promise you this you missed what would've been one of the funniest nights of your life" Missy emphasised the last 3 words yet somehow Lana felt no regret to not joining them the previous evening.

"God Lana come here," Lana chuckled as Nas wiped away toast crumbs from her chin, "are we ready?"

"Today is the day that two completely segregated schools start a new life together..." Mrs Carter droned on monotonously. Although Lana had no idea who half of the room was, she could tell they were all as just as fed up of this as she was.

'Well this going to be fun' she thought.

In a hopeless attempt to cure her boredom, she leaned back in her chair and analysed all the new faces. The first person her eyes landed on was Cory Wilson.

Cory was one of the only person who knew Lana as the dark horse she was. The pair had numerous relationships in the past, all of which resulting in a grand argument and then some sort of rough break up sex. It was a funny concept to Lana, she didn't understand how she could be so reserved and private but give herself and her body so easily to someone like that. Either way, the couple had a great relationship and he looked out for her just as much as Missy and Nas did.

She proceeded to look around, smirking to herself as she looked at each person individually, wether she liked them or not she knew they were all in the same boat as her, and therefore they all deserved some sort of sympathy. Next, her eyes landed on a particular dark skinned boy sat near the front, a row behind her favourite teacher from her old school, Miss Keane. Although he too sat slumped, she could tell he was very tall, with neatly cut hair and obnoxiously perfect eyebrows. Overall, he was a very handsome lad. Unfortunately Lana hadn't realised how long she had been staring until he turned in his seat and made direct eye contact with her.


She immediately turned her head to face the front, digging her foot in the ground to try and hold back the red blush splashing across her cheeks. There was clearly no use as she could see the light chuckle leaving his lips. Not out of judgement, but out of pure amusement. Great start, there was a very limited amount of good looking boys at Ackley Bridge, she couldn't afford to be freaking any of the good ones out.

The girl has also developed a very close relationship with the other Wilson brother, Jordan. As she made eye contact with him as he sat on the front row, she knew he was up to no good just by the devious smirk spread across his face. Lana glanced back to Cory who was already looking at her, shaking his head, knowing there was something going on.

𝑰𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆, 𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒍𝒆𝒚 𝒃𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒈𝒆😈Where stories live. Discover now