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Over the Christmas holiday, Jordan, Chloe, Riz, Cory and Lana had robbed Kevin's car and gone on a weekend away and camped. To say it was her favourite holiday would be an understatement. Although she hated camping, it was fucking cold and had to listen to the unholy ceremonies between Cory and this random girl both nights that they were there that he'd met literally the day the group arrived, she enjoyed it and it was a chance to get away from all the shit in Ackley and escape for a couple of days.

Over the holiday, Riz and Lana had gotten more and more close, resulting in a drunk Riz asking a drunk Lana to be his girlfriend.

Lana expected Riz to sack it off the morning and tell her 'i was drunk i'm sorry' or 'i see you more as a best friend', but instead he told her he was even more sure than he was the night he asked her, and since then the pair had been pretty much inseparable.


"Nasreen, Missy" Lana sang as she skipped towards Mrs Piracha's car, yanking open the door. Inside sat Mrs Piracha in the drivers seat, Miss Keane in the passenger seat and Missy and Nas in the back.

"Hey girllll you look so good!" Missy gushed at Lana, "Fresh air did you well eh?" she teased the girl giving her a wink, knowing what had gone on at the camping trip.

"Hey babe" Nas smiled, hugging the girl.

"Mrs Piracha, have you done this before?" Lana questioned, gesturing towards the wheel, realising she had never actually seen Mrs Piracha drive a car.

"Just take your time" Miss Keane smiled.

The car instantly stalled as Mrs Piracha pulled out three sticky notes. 'Accelerator', 'brake' and 'clutch'. The three were in the completely wrong order, leaving Miss Keane to swap them around for her.

After a long drive of stalling, a series of loud car honks at Mrs Piracha and extreme road rage, she made it through the school gates.

"Kaneez!" Lana shrieked as Mrs Piracha nearly fully ran Riz over. The poor boy looked like he had just had a heart attack as he noticed Lana in the back of the car that nearly killed him, before relaxing noticing Mrs Piracha at the wheel.

"Sorry" Lana mouthed to him, as he just smirked, admiring her.

The three girls in the back hung on for dear life as Mrs Keane did her best to guide Kaneez through the maze of children and into an actual parking spot.

As soon as the car came to a halt, the three girls practically threw themselves out of the car.

"Thanks Mrs Piracha" Missy forced a smile before slamming the door.

Cory and Riz made their way over to the three girls.

"Ayt Lana" Riz smiled before taking the girl into his arms.

The girl happily complied, leaning into Riz.

"Aw you guys are so cute" Missy teased, grabbing Lana's cheek.

"Fuck sake" Cory muttered, catching the groups attention, gesturing over to Jordan being yanked off his bike by a random man.

They all headed over to see what the problem was and what Jordan had gotten himself into now. Miss Keane was over there too, questioning Jordan.

"Ah me and Jordan go way back" the man spoke. It was clear to see the man was lying and by the uncomfortable look in Jordan's face.

"And you are?"

"A friend of the family"

"Oh and is that how you usually great your mates is it?" Lana snarled at the man, feeling protective of Jordan as per usual, something she hated but was still glad she felt it.

"Jordan has something that belongs to me darlin" he smiled sickly, looking Lana up and down.

Riz's hands met around Lana's waist, and his chin rested on her shoulder, marking his territory in a way.

"I was robbed i swear" Jordan sputtered, beginning to panic.

Lana and Cory had known about the robbery, and Lana swore to god that as soon as she got her hands on who did it, she'd kill them.

"Who robbed you Jordan?" Miss Keane ordered, stepping in front of the weird man.

"I don't know, they were wearing burkas."

"You got robbed by my auntie mate" Zain laughed before getting chased off by Jordan into school.

"You heard what he said, take your car and get out of here" Miss Keane told the man, before he left.

"All this and we haven't even be here 10 minutes" Lana sighed.

"Us, my dear friend, are on a highway to hell."

𝑰𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆, 𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒍𝒆𝒚 𝒃𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒈𝒆😈Where stories live. Discover now