Tk and rhyme christmass

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Tk's POV
It's been about a month since me and rhyme got back together I wake up on Christmas day and see rhyme sleeping I really appreciate her family letting me spend the day with them as we spent yesterday with my family. I hear my beautiful rhyme wake up "merry Christmas babe" I say kissing her" mom said she could do our presents to each other now"she replies. I go to the wardrobe where I hid all the presents I got for rhyme and I also got one for her mom. I get back under the covers handing her presents she says I can open mine first. ( she got me AirPods, clothes, shoes,aftershave and lots of other really nice things ) " thank you so much babe"I say kissing her.

Rhyme's POV
I open the presents TK got me( AirPods, makeup, jewellery, cloths, perfume, shoes, and a photo album with pictures of us in it) " thank you so much TK" I say kissing him we walk out of my room and see my mom we both hug her and wish her a merry Christmas TK gives my mom the present he got her and she thanks him. We open our stockings and presents from my mom and spend the rest of the day with my family and I couldn't be happier.

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