Kayla and flash

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Flash POV
I'm out with Robbie,TK, Wes and ace when Carlos comes up to Robbie and says " heard you and that slut got engaged" Robbie punches him we hold him back and says" her name is Ellie and she's beautiful and she told me what you done to her, don't Evan try to Denny it" Carlos says " she wanted it just a much as me" then walks off. Robby tells us what Ellie told him and I'm disgusted.

Kayla' s POV
Me and Ellie are getting ready at hers before the engagement party I break down and say " flash cheated on me" " no I Didint" I hear from behind me Robby and Ellie leave the room. " so why was Effie calling you earlier " I say" when me and Effie were together she rapped me and abused me,she texted me last night " flash reply's breaking down to his knees I get down to his level and hug him and then say " flash I'm so sorry I had no idea" " no one else knows"he reply's " thank you so much for trusting me with this babe" I say then kiss him. Later the party is in full swing then I see Effie I slap her " thats for what you done to flash" I say " he deserved everything I done to him plus you don't actually think he loves you do you" Effie reply's I throw her out. Flash tells everyone what Effie done to him. " flash can I speak to you" he nods we go into his room and I pass him a positive pregnancy test waiting for his reaction. " oh my god" he says picking me up " we have a little flash in there" I say we're both really happy then we realise rhyme standing at the door. "You okay" she says we tell her to get the chicken girls and boys as flashes parents found out earlier there all in the room and I say " in about nine months there's gonna be a baby flash" all the girls scream and hug me and the boys bro hug.

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