The Christmas Bet: Part 6

Start from the beginning

Meian: we managed to get Sakusa drunk and as it turns out

Meian: he's a rambling drunk.

Kenma: oh

Kuroo: OH

Ushijima: would I be correct to assume that Sakusa said something about his boyfriend?

Hinata: Yup!

Bokuto: and it was aloooot!

Iwaizumi: well, let's hear it then.

Hinata: can i have the honours??

Bokuto: sure thing!

Hinata: well, the first thing we found out was that he thought his boyfriend was the best setter in the world

Hinata: he then kept rambling on how they made the best tamagoyaki

Hinata: and that they were an amazing baker but a horrible cook

Hinata: he also said that he wished he got that they got together in high school so he could spend more time with him

Tendou: so it seems like future Mr Sakusa is a setter~

Lev: good luck to everyone who bet on Iwaizumi

Kuroo: dammit

Kenma: fuck 

Akaashi: well, that's unfortunate

Yaku: I feel targeted :')

Tendou: ...

Hoshiumi: sHUT UP

Sachirou: I mean can you blame us?

Tsukkishima: I was so sure it was him

Yamaguchi: it's okay tsukki :)

Daichi: you really gotta call me out like that

Sugawara: I'm loosing alot of money on this bet

Iwaizumi: wha-

Iwaizumi: really?!

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