Chapter Thirteen | Miss me?

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I held her gaze, feeling glued to my spot,not able to move. I didn't know how to react. I hadn't seen her since the incident and I wasn't mad anymore, but I wasn't happy to see her either. Her body shivered under my gaze and I just couldn't hold back a smirk. Damn my cockiness.

"U-um Hey" She stammered waving her hand.

Josiah walked behind me looking between me and Tracy.

"Um your going to let her in bro?" He teased.

My eyes were glued to her body though. The slim curves, as her joggers hugged her waist. The lower part of her stomach was showing and more of her arms and her collarbone and my eyes ran down seeing another part of her tattoo as it ran down the middle of her chest, but I couldn't see further past her shirt. I could see another part of her tattoo on her shoulders. Ugh! Why tattoos!? She already had a nose ring, but tattoos!? They were my ultimate weakness, it made a person look more sexier than they already were and the ink on her body were doing things to me. Josiah cleared his throat pulling me out the trance.

"Jonna move out of the way" He smirked, clearly reading my thoughts.

I stepped to the side and she walked in. Previous events disappeared from my mind and the only thing I could focus on was trying to find out where else her tattoos hid on her body. Her hair was in a nice high ponytail, and you could see her face tattoo more. Her nose ring shined from the sunlight hitting her face through the windows. She looked fearful? Shy? Nervous?
I couldn't tell my mind was focused on other things.

"Um Jonna, your kind of making our guest uncomfortable" Josiah teased.

"So?" I shrugged and he elbowed me in the stomach as I slouched over.

"Sorry Tracy, he is going through a eye fucking disorder right now don't mind him. You want anything to drink? Water? Juice? Alcohol?" His eyes glinted at the last suggested.

"Yeah alcohol will do" I vamped past Tracy, as she jumped slightly, sitting down on the stool.

"That's petty" Josiah smirked.

"What? I usually vamp around the house. She saw me use vamp speed before aint nothing new" I shrugged.

Tracy's POV

Seeing Jonna again, my stomach turned into butterflies. I was so nervous and prayed to the Moon Goddess that I could mask my emotions. Apparently my emotions were the last thing on his mind though. I don't know how I could dislike someone so much, but feel alone when you're not around them and I missed him them pass 4 days, I missed him greatly which is something I couldn't say about him. Josiah poured us some alcohol in some glasses and I sipped mine little by little, meanwhile Josiah and Jonna were downing there's. Josiah finished his as he looked at me grinning.

"You don't drink alcohol much or something?" He asked.

"Oh no it's not that. I just want to sip it for some reason."I shrugged.

During my old school I drunk alcohol almost every day. Me and my friends would be in the library, passing around blunts, drinking and dancing and nobody could tell me nothing. I guess my reputation just kept building up from there. Two kids vamped up, causing me to spill my drink on the table. They looked like 10 year olds maybe 8 or 9.

"Oh I'm sorry. We didn't mean to startle you" The girl said and she vamped over to the other side of the counter, coming back to clean up the mess with some napkins.

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